The Heroes Drawing is THIS SUNDAY

I know, I get caught up in the fever of a project. My blog will be returning to my regular nonsense soon. For now though, I have more Heroes of Armageddon stuff!  I finished the banner!

This banner will be included with the Blood Angels army to be given away THIS SUNDAY!  Click the countdown clock on the top right of my blog.

Here are some detail shots.

For the death of the Greenskin...
For the fallen man,
His Emperor's loyal...
For all of time...

The Angels of Death have Descended 
upon Armageddon.

Lord Dante

That bit of copy was inspired by Ron Saikowski. The images he chose for the artwork were an ork skull impaled on a lance to show the destruction of the greenskin, a human skull to show the sacrifice of man, and an hour glass to represent time running out.

The other images are what I believe to be the Armageddon badge, and a star map created by Ron Saikowski.

This banner stands about two feet taller than me, and I will be flying it proudly in the Gamesday, Chicago banner competition.  I will hopefully find a few minutes to touch up a few details before I mail it out to Chicago ahead of my flight.

If you have not donated yet, what are you waiting for?

If you have, DONATE MORE!  Now that you have seen the entire BA army, as well as all the rest, and this banner... you must get in on this goodness.

Good luck!  The drawing, again, is this Sunday at 6pm EST, LIVE on my show. The clock will bring you there.  :) Oh and there will be some nice giveaways on Sunday during the show as well. Brush up on your trivia!  Here is a pic of one of the sweet giveaways.



  1. That's the best banner I've ever seen you post.

  2. awesome banner jawa...just awesome...wish i could be @ Chi-town to see it in person...
