Battle For Salvation GT this weekend! Still spots!

Hey guys, I am throwing out a shout for the BFS coming up this weekend. I just spoke to Ed Miller and found out there are still 4 open slots and he would love to see those get filled. Right now the list is sitting at 60 or so and the guys would be thrilled if we could get it up to 64.  So get on out to the BFS!  Here is the WEBSITE.

It is definitely not too late to take a last minute road trip.  BFS is about 5 hours from just about any where in the North East, from DC to Maine to Buffalo.

This IS THE LINK to the hotel where you can make a quick reservation.

Why do you want to go to the BFS? For fun of course! But not only that, some of the best players on the East Coast will be there. Come for some highly competitive games or come for the love of the game itself.  After the games loads of great bars are right next door for drinks and eats.  I am looking forward to having a beer with Alex Fennel and Mike Brandt!

On Friday there is a doubles tournament, and then the GT. Saturday has 4 games, and Sunday is a bracketed tournament so you will be playing against other guys who performed as you did on Saturday. Lose all four games on Saturday, no sweat, you will be playing against other 0-4 guys on the second day!

Take a look at the website and if you can make the trip, get on out to the BFS. There is still time!



  1. I would love to go, but I'll be in an RIT (my college) related "Con" with a 40k tournament. I doubt it will be nearly as amazing.

    Best of luck Jawa!

  2. So stoked for this.

    Too bad both my options for partners for the team event back out last min. :(

  3. Wish i could join you, but I have to work on Friday. I wont be out there until 3

  4. Me and 3 of my buds from Lancaster, PA are heading up for this!

    Very excited to meet you guys, we got into 40k by watching you and Fritz on youtube!

  5. Great man! Just look for the fat guy playing Blood Angels. Oh wait... need to be more specific...

  6. I think I'm going to lose my first four games on purpose.

  7. Brandt I tried posting on Whiskey but got an error. I will be at the venue by 3 tomorrow. Look me up lets get a beer!

  8. Your post went up ... oddly enough ... and yeah let's definitely get a beer or 10. I'll be there around 5 or 6 ... and I'm thinking BW3 of the options in terms of having a wide variety of brewski, unless you can suggest another place. First round's on me, and I'll have a couple of the local crew with me ...

    Other attendees should join!

  9. Going to be a fun event, and will be awesome to meet up in person with a lot of you guys!

  10. I wish I didn't live so damn far away. I have well over an hour drive. :( Gona put a limit on just how many I drink. I will be there with all my stuff for Saturday just in case I end up having to crash some place... :)

  11. Do you know if this one will have live coverage much like NOVA?

  12. That I do not know. I know last year there were guys doing a podcast one of the days.

  13. Chris why don't you crash on our floor or something (I can bring an air mattress)?

  14. Because I am a drunk, snoring, sleep walking, night terror having mess. But I will pack my Aerobed in the car just in case! I suspect Friday I will be crashing. Last year I suffered all day on Saturday with a horrible hang over from drinking at that sports bar. Not getting invited to day two was a blessing. I will warn my wife that I may not be coming home til Saturday night. :)
