A jawa-retraction

Sometimes a blog post gets away from you. In my attempt to provide examples for a point I was making, I inadvertently wrote things that should have been kept private and for that I apologize to my friend.  I'm definitely not perfect.  There was no malice or hurtful intent, and most of it was just busting chops. I woke up in a cold sweat last night worried about having hurt Hanz's feelings. Sorry Hanz!

Perhaps I will revisit those particular issues at a later date.


  1. And how does this make you feel?

    *scribbles in notepad*

  2. Better! Not sure if it fixes any thing. Not even sure if there was any thing that needed to be fixed. But I felt bad regardless.

  3. If he's a douchebag and no one likes to play with him, why do you care? I mean it'd probably be fine if he read it and decided to quit the game- no big loss there.

  4. Reid I care because I consider him a friend. Not sure how he feels about me, though I think I found out how other friends do!

    Some of the things I wrote should have first been brought up to him in private. Of course had I done that and his attitude was "F them, I don't Fing care" then I could have written that stuff guilt free. But I didn't give him the courtesy of a private discussion about touchy topics before blasting it onto the blogosphere.

    There is a certain amount of responsibility to this medium that all of us should hold ourselves accountable for.

  5. Haha. Such is the problem with writing about good and bad experiences with people who are your regular buddies. You can bill me.

  6. While a lol, it is always best to have those discussions in private. I think the fact that this fella is so widely regarded as a bit of a problem to play against is why you were perhaps encouraged to write ... but good call on the retraction.

  7. Yeah, I have had several friends who were amongst the greatest people I had ever met, until you got them onto a gaming table. Just because somebodies a douche bag in 40k doesn't mean that they are a bad person over all.
