Mechanicon and The Conflict GT.

Ok guys, two of my staple GTs are coming up soon.

Tony Spino and company put on a great event. Custom built table with ever improving terrain are the mainstays along with the complete hobby mecha.  The weekend is all about gaming. You need not be a 40k player to get your gaming fix. There is an entire conference room devoted to as many other gaming avenues as possible. Mechanicon is a friendly, social weekend where good things happen. There is an auction in the Memory of Chris Bledsoe where the proceeds go to research and there is a bar in the gaming room with plenty of time for open gaming. It was at Mechanicon where I made friends with Alex Fennel, Bill McFadden, Simon Lean and Ted Nagel!  Looking forward to seeing the guys again. The Mechanicon is the first weekend of November. Get your ticket soon! The Mechanicon has become known as the GT for the Hobbiest. Painting scores are heavily weighted and have a big impact on your final score. I jumped from 10th place for the win last year with some favorable final game results, and my outstanding painting performance.

The Army I played at last years Mechanicon and Conflict 
earning me a 1st and 10th or so finish at both.

The Conflict GT. This January 13-15th we are set up for another great GT held at the Palisades Mall in the constantly growing NY Metro Area 40k scene.  The Conflict was primarily a Fantasy event but in the last few years has spread out into 40k which is threatening to take over.  The conflict is an event that invites guys to play in teams. Each team will have their scores totaled with the highest scoring team winning The Conflict Cup!  I think in the past 40k was not eligible for consideration in the cup but this year should be different.  Aaron has made the event better every year he has put it on. He is very open to input and wants in his heart to make an event that every one will love. He was also the first to have a huge 40k event at The Palisades Mall just north of NY City.  What a great venue! There is a huge food court plus loads of bars right next to the gaming room.  We can get in a game then take our pic from dozens of restaurants or have a brew or two in between games.

Go visit the site in the link, order your ticket and get yourself out to The Conflict.  Aaron is a friendly and gracious TO and openly walks the floors making you feel welcome. Test yourself against some of the toughest competition the East Coast has to offer in a good old fashioned Battle Point tournament.

I'm off to The Battle for Salvation!  Wish me luck.



  1. If I dont see you this wknd (as I may have to bow out) I'll see ya at Conflict. Good hunting.

  2. Do you ever come out to the west coast for any big 40k events?

  3. Good luck at the Battle for Salvation!

    I will see you in a few weeks at the Mechanicon!
    I'm not letting a Hurricane stop me from getting to this one.
