Things I can buy with 33 dollars + tax

33 Mc Double Cheese burgers

A box of size 4 Huggies and a box of wipes for the Jawa Baby

6 copies of Madden 2009

A pack of 50 Dunkin Donut Keurig coffee cartridges

A Black and Decker drill set

2 pairs of Carpenter Jeans from Wal-Mart


The new Necron Codex.

Talk about sticker shock.  I went to a local store and bought a box of immortals, and the new dex, and it cost me 67 dollars.  I didn't look at the price tag on them before I paid. I am not really sure what I was expecting, maybe 50 bucks or so.  My eyeballs bulged out when I heard the price.

Speaking of bulge, did I ever say I think Alanis Morissette is hot?

Thank god for the Spikey Bits discount!



  1. funny, I picked it up yesterday, and was thinking kind of the same thing, I remember codexes being 19 bucks.

    Also Alanis Morissette is an annoying hippie pig.

    That is all.

  2. It is the weakening US$.
    The exchange rate is making your purchases slightly more than normal.

  3. Lol, she may be annoying, but her boobs in this shot look great!

  4. I was just thinking the same thing, 33.00!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the codex in uk is £20. I remember the blood angels old codex was £5 i think but then needed the thicker and at £15 if remember rightly space marine codex so back then my blood angels codex cost me more back in 1998 BUT a box of 10 tac marines was £10 iirc compaired to £20.50p now...

    (oops wrong button sorry)

  7. I think you should have bought 6 copies of Madden 2009.

    I think the price increase on the codex is not justified. At least the fantasy books are in full color. When is that coming to 40k?

  8. The Codex is $55 in Australia. Not sure why since our dollar is worth more than the US dollar at the moment so if anything it should be cheaper than $33 - I guess GW's policy of regional price fixing is working very nicely for them :(

  9. Jawa I'm curious to your thoughts on this codex. I've decided to go all in on the crons and made a large purchase for the army (i had to start from scratch) so far it seems a little lack luster to me. I don't care as much because i do love the army, it almost feels like GW is forcing the crons to take special characters as with out them the army lacks something...

  10. You Aussies pay more because you're at the far end of the world.
    That and the koalas. Damned koalas.

  11. Elephant rocks are a good metaphor to the price and codex, too. It's just a robot-space marine edition.

    Just look at this list from stelek, and you tell me that's not a SM formula.

    Couple good options for Australia;

    Download the free pdf
    build the army with lego dudes.

    Lack of support to the local GW, price increase is expected. But I Disgress.

  12. You only have to pay 33 bucks on a Necron codex every 10 years. That works out to $3.30 per year, so it really isn't that bad.

  13. Darthmere: You would still be paying for shit though. I make that myself for free, and my shit might win more games than this codex...

  14. GW made some changes on codex update time frame. For the last couple years, we got an average about 3 new codices per year. If this holds true, it'll be less than 10 years.

    Either way, $33 is still do-able. In fact, I personally don't mind the price increase so much. Supporting a game that you enjoy is worth it. Money comes money goes, as long as you are have fun spending it, that's what matters. But I Digress

  15. wayland ftw .
    "B00Bies" ya.
    The world is just Crazy.
    My Country is screwed now our Fincial Minister called Mr.Schäuble 11/19/2011 on a confrence said germany isnt sovereign since 1945 and they call for an united states of europe...
    he talked about state sovereignty . the lissabon treaty suks.
    (Orwells "1984 a brave new Wolrd")
    Looks like the "New World Order" is real :-/
    We can just hope all its getting better ....
    Im bored that those Noobs/reptils in govt. pushed us light years back. we allready could go to space build stations- colonize other planets, dig on asteroids or other planets etc..
    We allready could life without one Human die of starvation. theres so much thinks that could be better.
    thats it i dont wanna waste more space on ur page :-)
