Ulthwe army begins!

My first Warlock conversion.

Ulthwe is a craftworld known for it's psychic mutants... er gifted users of the warp.  So my army will have at least 6 of them including a Seer Council to join Eldrad.  This one was converted from a High Elf mage. My conversion skills are not the strongest, but I think I will improve through the course of this army.  For example, after the locks are done, I have 20 guardians to convert. Ulthwe is also known for their uber guardians who take the place of aspect warriors.  So, mine will be much more unique than standard guardians.

Let me know what you think!



  1. cool beans, kind of dragon ball esque....excited to see the new painted minis...any thoughts on display board style?

  2. I'm excited to see how this comes out. It will be very interesting to see you paint something not entirely red, haha.

  3. I'm pretty excited to see this project unfold. After seeing your BA army at NOVA, I'd love to see your take on the Ulthwe' as it's the Craftworld I've played since 03.

  4. The display is going to be grounds for the meeting between ELdrad and Fulgrim. A webway portal, some wraithbone and some sort of meeting circle. I like the dragon ball look. I don't know where this head came from, probaly the same box set as the body, cause it really fits. This will probably be the only non helmeted head in the army. I don't belive in going to battle without your armor on. :)

  5. And thanks Charlie, the black is going to be a real challenge. I found some tutorials online and have ordered up the necessary paints. Oh and I will find a way to work some red in there some place. ;)

  6. Isn't thank a Saim-Han mark on the figures chest? I am confused

  7. I love it....HIgh elf models converted into Eldar..
