Some inspiration? Weight loss!

Ok folks,

I know some of you look to me for inspiration. Well, let me share this with you.  Like a lot of us, I am very much over weight.  According to the BMI, I am over 100 pounds over weight. That is a load of crap. I think my ideal weight is 220 pounds.  But sadly I am still 77 pounds over that.

But I am not here to talk about it, I am going to do something.  So as not to bore you guys here with the updates, I started a new blog about my journey from a fat Jawa to a skinny one.  HERE IT IS.  Feel free to watch and follow along, and if you feel inspired, join me!  Maybe I can help start a revolution of healthier nerds.




  1. Funny how these things tend to hit people at the same time. Over the last weekend I decided to start exercising since I'd gotten heavier than I'd ever been and started swimming 45 minutes a day since walking and running bore the hell out of me :)

    Side note I'll agree the BMI is bull. I'm suppose to be like 146lbs. That was my weight in highschool when I looked like I was an escapee from a concentration camp (I ran track and played soccer). My best adult weight is probably about 180 if I'm doing a bit of weight training. Maybe 170-175 if I'm just doin cardio. But nowhere near 146.....

    Good luck buddy. Maybe when we see each other at Nova this year we'll be skinny versions :)

  2. Hulk, I hear ya man. I played soccer, basketball and ran track (100, 200, 4x1) and yes, I was fast! When I was 18 and at the peak of my varsity conditioning, I was almost 190 pounds. That is about 20 pounds more than the BMI says I should weigh. By their standards, I would have been almost obese then. It does not take into consideration body density or muscle.

  3. Oh and I won't be at Nova. It's date is prohibitive to me going. You're a teacher too right? Sadly my district starts school before that weekend and wraps around. I simply cannot miss those days... plus I don't want to fight NJ traffic on Labor Day.

  4. The key is just getting to a weight that you're happier and healthier with. It's a commendable goal, whatever weight you're trying reach.

    It's actually kinda similar to painting a very large army (for me anyway). The first few pounds are the easiest, but when progress slows, don't get discouraged, just keep going, and you'll make it.

  5. Yeah, the BMI is crap. I'm 'supposed' to weigh 170 lbs, but when I turned 30 I went on a 2-week backpacking trip in New Mexico with a bunch of 16-18 year olds. I weighed 230 after 8 months of hard training and was hiking/climbing half of them into the dirt on the 18-mile day. But by the BMI's standards I was clinically obese.

    I was fat, yes. But I was damn healthy even so.

  6. Two youtube vids and and two new post in a day! Jawa's back in full swing i think.

  7. Haha, it's called vacation, wife at work and baby at daycare. Plus I bought a new laptop that actually reads my video from my camera. I can make videos again!

  8. Its always good to take a break from the hobby once in a while, im taking a little one now. My gw that was like 20 minutes aways closed down so now the nearest one is about a hour. Ive done some hobby but not as much as I should. Once this hobby becomes a task and just a hassle its break time in my opinion.

  9. The thing is Jawa you probably dont need to UP the exersize too much. With being a teacher and a father and having alot of stuff going on your probably burning alot of calories anyway.

    Im NO WAY an expert but perhapse just cutting down on a few daily crappy foods like maybe bread of fizzy pop or something like that...Im finding just lowering my beer intake has had an effect on my gut!

    (this is what i tell my girlfriend when she asks why ive not been to the gym today and ive told her enough that i believe it to be true)

  10. I actually also have started to work out again I put on about 30 lbs in the past two years since getting out of the army.

    One thing that has helped is just making it a part of my daily routine. Whenever I go to the bathroom (yeah stole it from Tosh.0), or do something unhealthy (for me smoking or drinking) I make myself knock out 20 pushups or situps. It's really helped out a lot. The fact that I do it in conjunction with my unhealthy behaviors helps discourage those behavior to. Not only that but rather then burning yourself out all at once your spacing it out over the day so it's a little easier to manage. Well I hope my advice helps best of luck jawa

  11. Yeah in the same boat right now. I've put on 30 lbs since I got out of the army and it bugs me.

    I've actually stolen an idea from Tosh.0 and made exercise a part of my routine. Every time I use the bathroom or do something unhealthy (for me smoking) I do 20 pushups or sirups. It's good because it helps discourage my unhealthy behavior, and because its spaced out over the course of an entire day it's a little easier then burning yourself out over the course of an hour or so and then being beat and sore the rest of the day. You can also switch other exercises into the routine to. Its been working for me so far. Well I hope my advice helps some and good luck jaws.
