Templecon Charity Grey Knight

Here is the Grey Knight I painted for the charity drawing being held at Templecon this weekend!  This was the first time I tried to do the NMM grey look on a full model. Previously I used it to nice effect on the weapons of my current Blood Angels army. There is plenty of room for improvement, but I am fairly pleased with the result.

One thing I am not crazy about is the molded banner that comes with the box set.  It is not the easiest to paint and not the most dynamic of images.  I would much prefer to paint my own any day.  I was going to paint an apothecary to go with this model, but I tried a grey spray paint on it as a short cut, and it filled in all the details, ruining the model.

If any of you have suggestions for a grey spray, I'm all ears. I need one that is the same shade as Adeptus Battle Grey, which is the base I use for this model.

I intended to do a step by step with this guy, but after I started I realized I wanted to focus my attention on painting him rather than documenting a bunch of steps that I may or may not use next time.  I think I got the process down, so next time I will do a step by step for you guys.

Alrighty, time for me to wrap up here because I am leaving soon for a 2 hour drive to Warrick Rhode Island and Templecon!  I am bringing my Blood Angels, so of course have no hope of winning the tournament.  Sadly though there is no Best Painted category.  The TO decided to not do a Best Painted and instead do a Players Choice, because there is already a painting competition going on of the Crystal Brush variety.

What this means is that all bets are off. Players Choice rarely goes to the best painted army as per the usual rubrics, but instead to the "coolest" army and is usually impacted by the personality of the owner of the army. An average painted, but unique army or display can easily take PC. Which is fine with me!  I like that it puts the power in the hands of the players.

I'm not saying my army won't stand a chance to be the favorite of the players, but I understand that it is now old news. Most of the guys who will be there have seen it before, and the luster is gone.

The most important thing here is NEVER set your heart on winning something like Players Choice.  Hope for it, but don't count on it, and definitely don't be disappointed if you don't win it.

OK, I'm off. This will probably be my last GT until October when I hit none other than FEAST OF BLADES!  That's right, I am planning on flying out to Denver Colorado to hang out with Jim and Chandler and the rest of the guys from FoB, and the BOLS crew as well for some food, drink and 40k.  Good company, and good gaming. It can't be beat.



  1. Great looking model! Best of luck at Templecon!

  2. I think he looks great. Your blending looks smooth and you've got some nice reflections. Like you said, there is some work to be done when it comes NMM and getting everything just right with reflections and such.

    Good job!
    Ron, From the Warp

  3. I agree. The use of grey as base instead of silver looks fantastic.

  4. Hey Jawa. Nice model. As for a grey Primer. Have you ever tried the Dupli-color Sandable Grey primer? Im not familiar with Adeptus Battlegrey color but the Dupli-color Grey Primer is like a charcoal and goes on very nice.

  5. Denver's my town (since 2001)! I'll see ya at FoB and buy you a brew at one of our many microbreweries (after I bend Mephiston over with my Dreadknight!). Look forward to it! Thanks for your vids and all you do for the hobby we love. - JPT

  6. I'll second Argeros' recommendation for Duplicolor. I always have a can of their white, black, and dark grey primers on hand. They also have a light grey and a rust/brick red oxide color. They're available at most auto parts stores at about $5/can. It doesn't obscure detail at all. In fact, I have sprays models so heavily that you see big pools on the details before, and the primer seems to always magically shrink back to exactly what you need.

    I know more than a few studio painters who prefer this as well.

  7. :) and this model won Best Sci Fi Model. I am writing up a report now.

  8. Hi jawa (Chris) love your vids, painting. I would be honerd if you could check my vids out on youtube look for mrtinypinhead I thanked you some years back for getting me back in to the hoppy so again thank you . regards Nathan.
