JawaForge Resin coming through!

It always tickles me silly to see my efforts bear fruit!  Even though I have more or less abandoned selling resin bases, here are some pics from a customer who had bought some with his buddy for use in a Dual Wing army for doubles. They won Best Painted, I think at Miniwargaming. These were my Industrial Ruin bases.  I'm proud that something I made helped some one else succeed.  Thanks for sharing Andy!

You can check out more of their work HERE.

I discontinued the base business because it was not really cost effective for me. Plus, I hate to admit it but too many other guys were making way better bases than I was.  It simply required too much time for me to compete, and with the Jawa Baby, that was one commodity I did not have.  Plus resin is a very finicky material. I live in New England, the land of 100 degree summers with 100% humidity.  Resin is not a fan.  I had to pretty much shut down during the summer!

I still have most of my molds though, so they are still sort of available on a limited basis.

Besides, we have WAY better planned for you starting very soon.

Stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for the bases Jawa. They turned out really nice on the table. We got quite afew second and third looks at the army and the bases. Well worth the buy.

    -Mike and Andy
