Win a 6th Edition Rulebook!

Win a 6th Edition Rule Book!

On Friday I announced the launch of scheduled for this Saturday, June 30 at 3:00 PM EST.  Well make sure you are part of the historic fun!

Join us at WarTV to view what will probably be the first live televised games of 40k 6th edition in the world!  Fritz, myself and Jim the Stout Smurf will be breaking down the rule book and playing games LIVE for your pleasure.

But also what is a live launch without loot!  We will be giving away prizes throughout the show, with the grand prize of the day being a Warhammer 40k 6th edition Rule Book! To win the loot you need to be watching the broadcast and sign up for the MAILING LIST, but all you have to do to be eligible to win the grand prize is enter your name HERE.  We will give away prizes all during the broadcast to viewers who are on the mailing list, and later during the show draw a name from the mailing list for the grand prize.  It will be shipped free of charge to your door.  

Don't miss the show!  



  1. The give-away is cool, but I'm really excited to watch you guys play through a game (as I may not be in a position to get to a table myself).

    Thanks for doing this!

  2. Well we intend to get in three games. Since the wife is away for the weekend, we may get started early too, and go late! It's gona be a sick day of gaming fun to welcome in 6th.

  3. looking forward to it. hope to have a rulebook either sat or the weekend after :) pre ordered the tape measure and cards. any chance youll be getting some necrons to allie with your blood angels :p

  4. It will be a cold day in hell before I ally with Necrons. However, I am entertaining the thought of Eldar, IG, GK, SW and TAU! Railguns and Pathfinders baby! In fact the more I think about Allies the more I like it. It allows for so many great combinations. Talk about balanced army lists!

  5. I really appreciate the fact that you and Fritz are positive on 6th edition. I have read so much negativity recently, and I hate it. I just cannot get on board with all the negativity.

    I have noticed that there is a great deal of excitement and positivity now that 6th is actually here. However, those who have made a name for themselves through negativity seem to be trying very hard to maintain the gloom and doom they have preached over the last year or so.

    Thanks again, gentlemen.

  6. Darn it, why does June 30 have to be the day you run the show? I am running a 40k demo at a wargames convention and won't be home until the next day.

    Well, at least I still have a chance at winning the rule book.

  7. Because it is the day the book is available! Don't worry, we will be making HD downloads available.

  8. And Feldmarshel, you are very welcome. I for one am excited! I see 6th ed as the great equalizer. I am going to fully embrace all that 6th is, and hopefully stay well ahead of the 40k curve.

  9. Wicked. This is what I love to see. Enthusiastic coverage of something I'm super excited for. Thanks a lot guys!

    Also, just to confirm the time zone. I notice that your blog is in EDT but you wrote EST in the announcement. Just wondering if that was a typo or not so I can get online at the right time.

  10. Do you have to be waching to win any prizes i may not be able to wach because of the time zones.

  11. You need only sign up on the mailing list to win the grand prize, the other prizes are for the viewers.

  12. It is EST. Not sure what EDT is! I live next to New York.

  13. That is what "shipped free of charge" means Jhon

  14. Joining the yahoo group is putting yourself on the mailing list correct?
