Looking for Metal Sniper Scouts!

Hey guys, I am looking for old metal sniper scouts!  I believe there were 4 sculpts. I have the one kneeling, loading his gun. Does any one have the other three and are willing to part?



  1. Are you sure there weren't just two metals? One standing, one kneeling with the cloak...

  2. I have a bunch of the lads, but only 2 sculpts, so not sure if I simply got that one blister with the kneeling cloaked guy and the standing one or... In any case I have a few of the standing ones I can spare and send you way if you don't mind stripping them (primed black)...

  3. I have a bunch and there were only two sculpts: one standing and one kneeling. I'd be more than willing to part with some. :)

  4. 95% sure I had some of these... but my first dig through the pile turned up nothing. I'll dig deeper this weekend.

  5. only 2 but they are painted bad as imperial fists

  6. There are only 2 sculpts for the old metal sniper scouts. The kneeling one you mentioned and another who appears to be breaking into a run.

    I have about 8 of those models.

  7. There were only 2 Snipers sculpted. They first appeared int he 1998 catalog.

    links to the page with all of the scouts.

  8. Well thats too bad, I thought there were more. I guess I only need that one standing. Any one have him unpainted?

  9. If some one wants to send me that walking metal scout I will give you five bucks plus shipping. Send me an email. Jawaballs at hotmail.

  10. btw Chris here is your Tycho ruking XD

    Q: If a melee weapon ignores armour saves, such as a Tyranid
    bonesword or Captain Tycho’s Dead Man’s Hand, is it treated as an
    unusual power weapon and therefore AP3? (p61)
    A: No – it ignores armour saves completely.

  11. Yah that one have been pretty much a sure thing all along. Cant really argue with "Ignores armor saves"! And it was never listed as a power weapon.
