WarTV broadcasting Live Tuesday Sept. 18 9AM

Sorry for the late notice! Jim and I are off tomorrow so we will be broadcasting a live game starting at 9am EST.  We will be testing out our lists for Feast of Blades! Be there.

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  1. That was pretty interesting, can't wait to see what it's like with a nicer camera (HD?).

    I was surprised how well the sound picked up your voices, easy peasy to hear. However, on the same note hearing the dice hitting the table was pretty irritating. Sounds cool in person, but the sound is harsh over the audio. Rolling in a padded tray would make the experience more enjoyable. Or a less sensitive mic.

    Can't wait until the next one :)

  2. Yah, normally the video is fairly good, but my camera was not working properly. I had it in my laptop bag and I think it got impacted. I had to use the imbedded cam on my laptop. I will work on the dice thing. Maybe we can get a padded box to roll in. Glad you enjoyed! I think we will finish the game Thursday night.

  3. Damn... Missed this episode! How come I didn't notice this!
