Battle Report: Reader submitted. BA vs Dark Angels

Battle 1500 pts BA vs. Dark Angels capture and control bases.

Army lists


Assault Squads x 2
Rhino x Armour
PW Melta Bomb

Tactical Squad x 5 marines
Melta Bomb

Venerable Death Company Dread

Death Company x5
Rhino xArmour

2 x Baal Preds
Hvy Bolters

He had some Ravenwing consisting of 1 Chaplin led bike squad, another bike squad and Attack bike. Deathwing squad, 2 x 10 tactical squads Meltagun Multi Melta. 1 x Pred TL las and bolter sponsons ,Whirlwind and a Landspeeder.

I won the dice roll and let him set up first and reserved all my units.

He set up spread across the board 1 tactical squad sat on his base and the other set up behind his bike squadrons the Pred and Whirlwind set up on his left flank and the Landspeeder guarding his right.

Turn 1

He moved his bike squadrons up with the attack bike and Landspeeder in support, he infact turbo boosted his Landspeeder moving it 24”

Turn 2

His Deathwing squad came in by one of his bike squadrons and then decided not to move anything else and wait to see what came on for me. My reserve roll where good making 5 out of 8. So I brought on the Baal Preds, Dante, Corbulo with the Death Company and 1 of the Assault squad Rhinos. I moved the Rhinos up my left flank with Dante just behind them. I fired one of the preds at the Landspeeder knocking it out and the other fired at the termies causing 1 casualty.

Turn 3

He opened up on the Preds knocking 1 of them out with an Assault Cannon(good/lucky rolling) and then his Pred fired its Las at the other pred and did nothing. Reserve rolls brought on the other assault squad and the dread. I rolled ok on OE getting both Corbs and the assault squad rhino to move 18”. I popped smoke on one and the other went and blocked Los on the termie squad so the couldn’t see Dante. I moved the surviving pred up to support the Rhinos and the Dread towards the Termies. I fired the Pred at one of his bike squads and caused 2 casualties and ran the dread up 4”.

Turn 4
He moved his Termies led by another Chaplin towards the Dread and also moved the Chaplin led bike squad up behind them he also moved the tactical squad towards the my base but they where about to be assaulted be an Assault squad next turn. He fired on the dread with assault cannon and lascannon but the dread just shook it off thanks to extra armor. On my turn I moved the Dread into assault range unloaded the Assault squad and moved them up to Assault his tactical squad in the open I also moved Dante into range for Preferred Enemy Corbs already in range for Furious Charge. For some reason I forgot to fire the dread at the termies the assault squad fired on the Tac squad causing 1 casualty and Dante killed of the last member of a bike squad with his melta. On the Assault the assault squad took out 5 of his tactical squad not suffering nothing in return. The Dread however only cased 3 wounds he made 2 invuls thanks to storm shields and he hit the dread with only 1 thunder hammer attack and would you believe it killed it what a piece of luck. Oh and by the way on OE 3 out of 4 Rhinos including the Death company and Corbs rolled 1’s the tactical squad came on though and moved towards his base.

Turn 5

He moved his Termies towards my base and turned his Chaplin led bike squad and his attack bike over to take on Dante with only the attack bike being in range. For some reason he never fired his Pred on Whirlwind the whole game apart from the first few turns. He fired the attack bike at Dante and whiffed that was all his firing. On my turn I rolled much better for OE getting all the Rhinos going. Corbs and Death Company moved up towards his base with the others not far behind, the Pred moved and unloaded on the Termies only causing 1 kill. Dante killed the attack bike and in the assault phase the assault squad killed of the rest of his tactical squad suffering 1 casualty in the process.

Turn 6

Last turn as it would turn out. He fired on the Death Company Rhino with meltagun and multimelta only causing weapon destroyed. He assaulted the pred with his termies and did nothing. On my Dante and the assault squad join up and moved towards his last bike squad and I unloaded the Death Company and got the ready to Assault the base. I also moved the tactical squad rhino back towards my base just in case the pred did not take care of his termies. The Pred killed of last of his termies leaving only the Chaplin Dante and the Assault Squad killed of 2 of his bikers and the assaulted and the Death Company fired on the tactical squad causing 1 casualty. In the assault phase the Death Company wiped out 7 of his tactical squad 3 due to rends and Dante and the assault squad killed of the last biker and caused only 1 wound on the Chaplin thanks to some good invul saves.

Game ended with another total victory for the Blood Angels.

Nice batrep man! Another win for the Blood Angels. Keep on marching! Any one else who is interested in having your batreps posted here, please send em to me at hotmail. I will be happy to put em up! Write them up in this format. Describe the two armies, deployment and mission. Then do a turn by turn writeup of the action. Please, if you can, take a couple of pictures of the pivitol moments. Great stuff Charlie!



  1. Um... just curious you did say this was a 1500 pt battle right? Because I calculated out the army lists you each ran and evan taking into consideration min size squads and no upgrades not listed, he had 1600 to your 2000. Plus if you take 5 man tac squads you can't have las cannons. With the 10 man tac squads and las cannons your list comes in at 2105, and that assumes you didn't buy any other unstated upgrades like extra armor on your dred or vehicles, or power weapons for your sgts in the tac squads. So yeah big win for the BA by having 500 more points of stuff because that's totally fair to take on the weakest SM book with a min maxed illegal list.


  2. Here is everything he had listed, plus making the tac squad legal he is only at 1385. So maybe he made a mistake with the lascannon, but it is no where near the 2105 that you claim.

    HQ: Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels (1#, 200 Pts)
    1 Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels @ 200 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Artificer Armor; Death Mask of Sanguinius; Jump Pack; Axe Mortalis; Perdition Pistol

    HQ: Brother Corbulo (1#, 100 Pts)
    1 Brother Corbulo @ 100 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Exsanguinator; The Red Grail; Bolt Pistol; Chainsword
    1 The Red Grail @ [0] Pts

    Troops: Assault Squad (6#, 175 Pts)
    4 Assault Squad @ 175 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x4); Chainsword (x4); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Sergeant @ [48] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Power Weapon
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [15] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Troops: Assault Squad (6#, 175 Pts)
    4 Assault Squad @ 175 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x4); Chainsword (x4); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Sergeant @ [48] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Power Weapon
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [15] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Troops: Tactical Squad (10#, 225 Pts)
    9 Tactical Squad @ 225 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x7); Meltagun; Lascannon
    1 Sergeant @ [28] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Bolter (x1)

    : Death Company (6#, 115 Pts)
    5 Death Company @ 115 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x5); Bolter (x5); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [55] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 145 Pts)
    1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 145 Pts
    Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Upgrade to Death Company; Upgrade to Venerable; Dreadnought CCW; Dreadnought CCW; Meltagun; Storm Bolter

    Heavy Support: Baal Predator (1#, 125 Pts)
    1 Baal Predator @ 125 Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter

    Heavy Support: Baal Predator (1#, 125 Pts)
    1 Baal Predator @ 125 Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter

    Total Roster Cost: 1385

  3. If you go strictly with what he has listed he is at 1530 with the illegal lascannon upgrade.

    HQ: Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels (1#, 200 Pts)
    1 Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels @ 200 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Artificer Armor; Death Mask of Sanguinius; Jump Pack; Axe Mortalis; Perdition Pistol

    HQ: Brother Corbulo (1#, 100 Pts)
    1 Brother Corbulo @ 100 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Exsanguinator; The Red Grail; Bolt Pistol; Chainsword
    1 The Red Grail @ [0] Pts

    Troops: Assault Squad (11#, 285 Pts)
    9 Assault Squad @ 285 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x9); Chainsword (x9); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Sergeant @ [48] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Power Weapon
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [15] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Troops: Assault Squad (11#, 285 Pts)
    9 Assault Squad @ 285 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x9); Chainsword (x9); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Sergeant @ [48] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Remove Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Power Weapon
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [15] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Troops: Tactical Squad (5#, 150 Pts)
    4 Tactical Squad @ 150 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x2); Meltagun; Lascannon
    1 Sergeant @ [28] Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Bolter (x1)

    : Death Company (6#, 115 Pts)
    5 Death Company @ 115 Pts
    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x5); Bolter (x5); Blood Angels Rhino
    1 Blood Angels Rhino @ [55] Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Extra Armor; Storm Bolter

    Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 145 Pts)
    1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 145 Pts
    Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Upgrade to Death Company; Upgrade to Venerable; Dreadnought CCW; Dreadnought CCW; Meltagun; Storm Bolter

    Heavy Support: Baal Predator (1#, 125 Pts)
    1 Baal Predator @ 125 Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter

    Heavy Support: Baal Predator (1#, 125 Pts)
    1 Baal Predator @ 125 Pts
    Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter

    Total Roster Cost: 1530

  4. Just to let you know chaps that the Assault Squads where 5 man squads not 10 man and the Tac squad was 10 man so perfectly legal to have a lascannon.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  5. Maybe I missed a post or misread something, but I agree with the post that said it was 1385 for this BA army.

    I calculated these with the BA codex pdf from GW. If you use the SM Codex I think you will get the numbers that the early posts were mentioning.

    Use the right resource is the point I guess. ;o)

    Dante = 200
    Corbulo = 100

    Assault Squads x 2 = 350 total
    Rhino x Armour
    PW Melta Bomb

    Tactical Squad x 5 marines = 225
    Melta Bomb

    Venerable Death Company Dread = 145

    Death Company x5 = 115
    Rhino xArmour

    2 x Baal Preds = 250 total
    Hvy Bolters
