Looking to buy a Jawaballs painted army?

The guy who bought my first commissioned army has come under some financial misfortune and is looking to sell his investment. You can find it on my commission blog, it was a pretty large army. Go take a look, and if you are serious about buying a viable BA army, especially with the new dex on the way, email me and we can talk more. Jawaballs


  1. I don't know why my name is appearing as that, but yeah its me not that.

  2. I removed the other one. He is not looking to break it down. If you need small commissions, I can do them for ya. :)

  3. Want to talk to you about a commission but can't find your email, could you email me at wookieegunner@highlandcitadel.com

  4. good luck at conflict today jaw, hope u get best painted
