New Dex news! Gamesday news.

I unfortunately don't have much to offer about the new dex that BOLS has not already posted. We all knew that the leak dex was mostly fake at best. But now we have some good hard details!

Not much is different though about what I was hoping for. We still have Dante turning Vets into scoring units. We still have the fast skimmer carrying troops, but also dreads AT THE SAME TIME! We have the Dread Libby and some cool psychic powers. So exact details aside, the leak was pretty much dead on with the actual dex.

I hope that scout bikers are still in though. (I just bought a few!) I wanted an excuse to buy them any way. :) You would think they are though, they, if any other C:SM unit would fit nicely with Blood Angels.

What little inside info I do have was just an email conversation with a guy who has seen the sprues. We will call him Sam. He says they are truly beautiful, especially the winged jump packs! He did not give me much more then that and laughed when I tried to wrangle a picture out of him. Thanks Sam! We don't want to get you fired. Hopefully there will be some pics this weekend.

More News:
Be looking for Jawaballs and Fritz at Gamesday this year. It turns out there are only 20 available slots for club tables, and I think I have secured one for us. We will be doing our painting and tactical seminars like last year, a gaming table, and a really cool "special event" that shall remain unnamed until we get more details and a 100% confirmation on our table. Loot and Glory could be yours!

Also, we got the go ahead from Jwolf and BigRed to organize and run our Apocalypse event on Thursday night at BOLSCON. So be prepared! I will be leading the imperium forces vs Fritz and his Eldar Scum. This is a call to arms! I want all Blood Angels armies to converge on Austin Texas for this event. Lets show these Xenos witches the true might of the Emperor and Sanguinius. Of course, lesser chapters will be welcome to join our banner. What are we fighting? Fritz with his Saim-Hann warhost will be leading the filfthy Xenos side. While he is looking for all Eldar armies to join the fray, I'm sure they will gladly accept the help of the lesser races as pawns.

Jwolf and Bigred have offered up some prize support for this one, as well as that which Fritz and I can carry down from NY. One of the honors will be inscribing the names of the winning players on a massive trophy like the Stanly Cup! Be looking for a mini Jawa-trophy as well to be given out to the players who feed my ego the best. :) Jawashame? Whats that? :) Just playing guys!

Finally, I have not forgotten about the contest I mentioned during our last live broadcast. Be looking for more details on that soon.


EDIT: Thanks to Kuffeh for the link to the picture that I added to this post of the BA Sprue! It is the first time I saw it. Great stuff! It looks like sculpted abs for honor guard and yes I do like the wings! I don't know what this is, I am guessing a veteran or honor guard sprue? The guys that Dante can make scoring? The sculpted chapter banner is nice to. Between this and the upgrade sprue... BA are going to be drop dead beautiful. I cant wait to start painting them! Yup, Sanguinary Guard. I need to read more before posting!


  1. Difficult to see the details, and I'm sure its been seen before. but:

  2. i think that would be more along the lines of the exalted sprue (all power weapons and no chainswords). thats neither here nor there, i am excited because i really hate all of GW miniatures for the non terminator librarian and been looking for a sweet weapon to kit bash and use as a force weapon. i believe i have found it, the big axe to the left of the sprue as you look at it. similar to the Space Hulk Librarian force weapon. a librarian w/ jumppack + 10 vets + harbinger. dante + 10 vets + + harbinger and a few other things. i cant wait for the new codex. gonna be mayhem behind enemy lines.

  3. Steve the leak dex was almost completely false. Harbinger is not its name, and I dont think Exaulted is either.

  4. i suppose you are right. its all good though. one of my favorite parts of the game is dreaming up all these wonderful lists and how/whom i would like to use them against. i guess i can just look at the leaked dex as something to keep my mind busy until the real one hits. haha, not gonna lie though, that woulda been a rape list.

  5. Black Box opening on
    I am glad that we are getting new models that look awesome. I thought the Space Wolves stuff was pretty cool but I am not really into their look. These bits seem to be spot on to what I would have cherry-picked if they had asked me. The Axes,the two-handed swords, sweet.

    I am not so hot for the winged packs for my army but definitely going to be painting some and using them on special figs. Just think of all of the SM captain, librarian, chaplain, builds you can use these plastics on...let alone the figures you want to model as BA.

    All the great/cheese/horror and things that may be in the dex pale in comparison to new plastic bits. I think those JP wings will sweeten even Fast Rhino models as art or as part of ExArmor siding panels.

    It will be interesting to see folks like yourself building lists and going over all the possibilities in the weeks until the actual release of the figs.

    I haven't found confirmation on the scout stuff yet...nobody is acting excited about that yet...but I too have scout bikes and storms just waiting to be plucked from the sprue. Man I just thought of using the JP wings for the storm too. Must. Catch. Breath.

  6. so is the stuff posted on BOLS the real deal or still the rumor mill churning? Or is that still to early to tell?

  7. UGH those wings look horribly out of place. If they were mechanical like the Yeld Spyrer wings, that'd be cool but now they just look like a Victoria's Secret fashion show reject.

  8. The BOLS stuff can probably be accepted as 99% true at this point. The leak was way far out and Bigred admitted when they posted it that it was likely not actual info.

    And yes, Im already dreaming about how beautiful my army will look using all these bits!

  9. I prefer my honour guard. I took the DA veterans and gave them most of the stuff off the old HG looks cool to me I might just use the banner and see what the wings look like...

  10. the wings actually look pretty cool on the models and they are all painted up in gold the same as dante the only thing odd about the jump pack is it only has one thruster in between the wings.


    Seems as if there are no Scout Bikes in the dex, good I haven´t bought them jet...

  12. i saw the codex today and the scout bikers are for sure in :)
