This week on Jawaballs Live! Brought to you by Army Dice.

This week on Jawaballs Live! I will be giving away free Army Dice!

Scott From Army Dice has offered to sponsor my show by providing dice for give aways! He has given me a set of Chaotic and a set of Yellow Fist dice to begin with, and only more will follow! So please visit his site, tell him how much you like his stuff, and let him know that you saw his stuff on Jawaballs Live! So this week, I will be giving away some of these dice.

For this week's show, I will be talking more Blood Angels, as well as a new way of thinking about 40k that will change your life. I will be starting on resurrecting my old Blood Angels to turn them back into a fighting force and I will talk about my newest list idea. Be ready for some true Jawa-Insight straight from the Jawaballs and Fritz war room! If you are a 40k gamer, hardcore tournament player, or weekend warrior and want to stay ahead of the curve, you don't want to miss this show.

Visit my show URL. The show starts at 6PM EST every Wednesday, but I will probably be bouncing around the chat room well before, and it will remain live as long as people want to hang around and chat.



  1. I love fancy dice! Pick me! Pick me!
    How do I make myself eligible?

  2. All you had to do was watch the show! I gave away two little sets. I will be giving away more next week.
