Grey Knight Rumors: Incoming Storm Raven!

Based on reliable sources, the Storm Raven will be making it's debut this September, along with plastic GK terminators and a plethora of other models.  What does this mean for all of our sweet little conversions? Were they a waste of time? Hell no, we had fun didnt we?

The new model will be a huge boon for GW.  Blood Angels and Grey Knights were two hugely anticipated armies, perhaps more so with the GKs.  Giving the GKs the storm raven was a stroke of genius to increase their hype even more.  They will sell a boat load. Since every one who has ever played Dawn of War the video game absolutely loves Grey Knights, every fan will be dieing to build an army. I sure will! I started 40k with Daemonhunters (because I liked GKs from DoW)  I have since sold off the models I collected, but a new codex and model line will surely get me back into the fold!  Plus I have been looking for an alternative to my Blood Angels for a while.  GKs will give me that push I need.  What about Dark Eldar? I will definitely be making a DE army when that book comes out too.

Until then, this little beauty pictured above is available for sale.  Comment here if you are interested!



  1. I already have A Dark Eldar and a Grey Knight army. Maybe I should start up a Blood Angel.

  2. i have also heard, and keep in mind my sources probably aren't nearly as reliable as yours, that around the time the Storm Raven kits hit GW will also be releasing a plastic Thunderhawk. which led me to believe that the storm raven will look a lot like a small thunderhawk (which would make me happy like a fat kid in a free candy store). Plus affordable Thunderhawks seem really cool.

  3. Harry, How does 60 plus shipping sound? It still requires some work though. The landing gear need to be done and it is only half primed. I will throw in 4 missles and and some Twin Linked las cannon and heavy bolter bits.

  4. That storm raven looks cool, especially if it were in a Ravenguard army using the new forgeworld beakies.

  5. I am proud of my Stormraven so what ever GW makes I think mine will stand up to it.

  6. Very nice xman. Is that made purely from a Valkyrie kit? Or did you get bits from other kits to add to it?

  7. I think November would be more likely - that way they get it in just before the Christmas rush. September is supposed to be the fantasy box set and such - I doubt they would compete :)

    But very much looking forward to the release!

  8. Do you mean to say 60 USD? with shipping? How much total would that be? or youtube: BrianLeexx Thanks!

  9. I was talking to a BA player who's a friend of mine and we thought of a few "tricks" to try to pull and since you seem to game with fritz a lot it would be fun to see if he would fall for them.

    Anyways, take some Storm Ravens fill them up with Assault squads and Dreadnoughts, take drop pods as Dedicated Transports and have a scout squad with locater beacon, place scouts on an objective and then deepstrike all of the empty pods in a ring around the objective blocking all hopes of contesting.

    of course maybe a HS dread in one or two of the rings wont be that bad to force him away from the early pods that come down.
