Jawaballs Presents The Army Painter US webstore!

Hey Folks.  I have some great news!  The Army Painter has finally gone live with their US Webstore! They are working on building up their US warehouse stock, but the website is open for business!

If you do not know about The Army Painter, they offer a line of great hobby supplies like Colored Spray Prime, quick shade, and paints. I fell in love with their black and white primers the first time I used them. It is simply the best primer I have used, and less expensive than certain other companies as well! In the coming weeks stay tuned right here as I take you through demonstrations of great Army Painter products starting with their Blue color spray prime and a selection of the Army Painter brushes.Their Kolinsky Masterclass brush has taken over as my favorite highlighting brush.  Their color prime simply takes hours off from your painting time. I will be demonstrating how soon!

Also be looking for exclusive sneak peaks of unreleased Army Painter products. It is a very exciting time for the hobby. :)

Tell em Jawa sent you!

Much more to come...



  1. These guys are ace... I especially love their paint brushes. Pure ninja goodness!

  2. This is excellent news, thanks for the update!

  3. Make sure you all tell them jawaballs sent you!

  4. Any chance of a mini-review of their brushes? They are damn cheap after all. I have the large drybrush which I like. I also dislike synthetic brushes so that's not interesting per se. But again, the price is right, so the non-synthethic ones sounds interesting:)
