Well, in one week I will be teaming up in a doubles tournament with Goatboy at Bolscon! I know they changed the name, but I don't know what the new name is off hand. Go take a look at the site. Last year was a blast and this year is even bigger. Fritz and I will be running a Thursday night appocalypse game, there are doubles tournaments on Friday, and a seven game GT going on the rest of the weekend. There are tournaments for Warmachines, WHFB, 40k and I think Flames of War!  This event definitely deserves a spot on your yearly travel list next to Adepticon. I can't wait!  So if you are going, I look forward to meeting you. If you are on the fence, get off and get your self to Austin next weekend!



  1. I think you and Goat are in trouble, Jawa my man. Fritz and I are bringing Footdar to trounce you with.

    Catch you in a few - Brent

  2. JAwaballs I want to get some games in Thursday with you and Fritz against the Guard or even against my BA.

  3. That would be fantastic. We will be getting in around 1pm ala Goatboy. I will bring all my blood angels and we can try a few variants I have been working on against your rock hard shiznit. I will tell fritz to pack all his toys. What sucks is I will have to bring my big battle foam, and no, they do not fit on planes. Gona have to check it.

  4. Valet it with a stewardess! If you wink at her she'll more than likely store it in the crew cabin for you!

  5. So Jawaballs, are we looking at a Space Marines vs. Eldar apoc game, or an Imperium vs. Eldar apoc game?

  6. It is loosely set up as a Blood Angels vs Eldar game, but I can't imagine turning down any one who wants to play space permitting. It is for fun after all, so if some Tau boys are hanging aorund and want to throw their lot in the mix, it is fine by me!

  7. I checked my 1520 bag for Ard boys and it came out fine with only one broken model. I had a backpack that I had to re-glue but thankfully it was Thomas's and not mine :)

  8. Oh man, now I have two asian spammers hitting up each of my articles.
