Beating Tau? Like taking beer from a baby.

Before you get your panties in a bunch, the baby did NOT actually drink beer.

Tomorrow night I will be taking on Old Shatter Hands and his Tau army.  I have to say I am more than a little worried.  One good round of shooting on his part will ellliminate my army as a threat. Then all he has to do is sit back and pick off isolated pockets of marines.  The challenge is to get to his lines before that happens... which he will be doing his best to stop by blocking me with stupid skimmers and devil fish. Can't wait!  Jawaballs


  1. He rightly should be.

    Go Shatter Hands =D. Wear pink! lol

  2. You got it in the bag jawa, and lol Jack=awsome kid


  3. You can't take beer away from the Jawababy!

    There's got to be a rule somewhere.

  4. Didn't drink beer you say? I persume that glass must have been filled with Budwiser then:)

  5. Chris, if you loose... you loose your man card...

  6. Haha. Herd animals! Too funny. Well I just arrived at the holiday inn and got my belly fed. Now time to track down Mike Brandt and get signed in.

  7. It is a shame when online favourites clash, can't we all just be winners? :D

    I will be supporting the Tau in this one. That they are using an old codex and against the classic Marines makes me go for the minority/underdog.

    I look forward to the A Thousand Sons/Prospero Burns accounts in the batrep.

  8. I bet you guys are having a blast. I hope there are a lot of pics/videos.
