Great News! Jawaballs will be at the Nova Open.

Great news! After some sweet talking to the wife, and paying her 100 bucks, plus having to cancel on Bolscon and a week of moping around the house like a kid who lost his Buzz Saw cassette. (Name the reference and I will be impressed!) I was able to get permission to go to the Nova Open!  This event is turning out to be a veritable "Who's Who" of the 40k Blogosphere with some big names showing up. I can't wait to meet up with other dudes at the Whiskey Challenge on Friday Night. I will be playing Old Shattered Hands and his Tau scum. Time to purge me some xenos! I will plant my Chapter Banner and claim the day! Be looking for some Jawaballs Live! if I can make it happen. 

Can't wait for a great weekend. Time to make up for some missed fun last week. :)



  1. Buzz Saw? Are you referring to the Transformer who could turn into a golden tape? Hope it makes up for missing BoLSCon and hopefully you will get some nice battle reports out as I'm not sure how many bloggers are planning on doing turn by turn reports, with or without pictures.

  2. Thats the one! The only transformer my parents ever bought for me was Soundwave, and I quickly lost Buzz Saw, the cassette condor that fit in his chest on the bus. I cried for a week. :)

    I plan on getting in some batreps since dudes are less cutthroat than at Hard Boys and more likely to let me. Now to get my army ready! Woohoo I have a purpose again.

  3. I always thought Buzz Saw was a vulture but then again, is there a difference?

    Also, since it is much less hardcore and, as you said, cutthroat, you should bring the army you didn't bring to 'Ard Boyz that you were considering, just to see if it is something you would enjoy. Of course, that is only my opinion, so you should take the one that you want to play more.

  4. Oh I will be busting out Stompy Stomp and the Blood Talons for sure. I don't even care if I do well in the tournament. I'm going for Friday Night to mingle with some blog royalty and put a whooping on Old Shatter Hands. Im gonna run all drop pods against his Tau with nothing but heavy flamer and melta stern guard, and deep striking thunder fire cannons.

  5. And both Laserbeak and Buzz Saw were supposedly Condors. So far as I understand. I think Buzz Saw only made a single appearance in the cartoon, and of course he looked just like Laserbeak, and all he did was eject and fly out with all the other tapes to go fight against Blaster's cassettes. An epic mini battle royal that every one wanted to see, and lasted all of 3 seconds of screen time.

  6. Jawa,
    So when were you crying about losing your toys, last week? LOL
    I am actually fiending to go to this!

  7. Ive been dragging my feet around the house for a week! (Partly making a show out of it to get sympathy from the wife.) But, I had been looking forward to Bolscon since last August, mostly just because I had a good time hanging out with Goatboy, Jwolf and the crew!

    Matt I don't know what the situation for every one else is, but I think I will end up driving down myself. I think last I heard Bobby and the rest had a full car, and Ed is leaving late on Friday with not so lil Ed. I made a hotel resy and am leaving late morning on Friday. I bet we can get you a spot in the tournament! Don't worry about the hotel. Just get some one to stay with Cyn for the weekend! :)

  8. I do indeed have a handful of spots left, due to the constant vacillation of the people initially waitlisted that enabled me to open the last set of new ones :)

    Glad to have you comin' down.

  9. dude, i went to fairfax for the flag football national tournament this past winter. u gotta stay in the hyatt fair lakes that place is amazing.

  10. Now i think about it i wish i had known about this sooner i would head up. Is this an annual thing?

  11. I think this is the first Nova, but head up! There are still rooms in the hotel across from the event, and still spots left in the tournament.

  12. Isnt that in Virgina? hmmmm Nova Open, something id love to go to but cant. I didnt know that was this soon?

    Any of you guys going to TempleCon (Rhode Island) in Febuary? looks sweet and Im gonna try out some GT action for once, mostly since its 5 minutes from my dorm, good bday thing since its the same weekend :)


  13. "Ive been dragging my feet around the house for a week! (Partly making a show out of it to get sympathy from the wife.)"

    -Skilled you are in the ways of we'll test your 40k skills haha!

    I am really looking forward to playing you, Chris, mostly to see your beautifully painted army! Mech BA give my Tau a real hard time. My friend fields a list similar to yours and I am 0-2 against it. At any rate, it should be a spectacle. I'm furiously painting models for this thing (my list has changed so much lately).

  14. @ old shatter hands

    what is your list? i also play tau and i am interested to see what others play

  15. I wish my army was up to standards. Almost every model in my army is completely new since the new codex. We will see!

  16. Awesome to hear you are coming down, I am looking forward to seeing all you guys down here. Matt you should definitely attend, if you need a place to crash to keep it cheap I have a couch that is open.

    Chris, my podcast the Gamers Lounge and some of the 11th company guys will be broadcasting live Friday night and again on Sunday and we will have a U-Stream feed or two going both days as well if you want to jump on and say hello. I'm sure we will be pulling you on for an interview at some point over the weekend either way.
