Jawaballs is signed on for The Mechanicon!

After an outstanding performance for me at The Nova Open, I am eager to plot out my next few steps. I just purchased my ticket for The Mechanicon which is happening in November. Last year this was a great tournament run with efficiency and professionalism. I think I took 3rd best overall thanks to Corbulo failing a 3+ armor save on the last shot of the last game and dying like a punk. But that is old news! This year is all new for the Blood Angels. 

Also coming up soon are The Warstore Weekend and the as yet unnamed tournament also happening in October run by my club Battle for Salvation.  

So get over to The Mechanicon website asap and grab your ticket... Don't let yourself get wait listed!  Hope to see you there.  



  1. I plan on signing on late september but ill be there

  2. I may or may not be there depending on when college lets me come home that month

  3. I didn't know about this one but I am going to go to the Day boys GT instead now jawaballs. You should see if you can come up there too.

  4. Other than my Chapter Headquarters, I mean, my local club/store, where can I go to find local tournaments? I haven't been to any yet, but from what I hear, they are lots of fun, and I would love to get into a few.

    Also, feel free to check out my new blog,at: http://blood-of-sanguinius.blogspot.com/
    It's a Blood Angels blog, with my thoughts and a few tactics.

  5. Chris have you seen this video Aux made about your predator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z0u0eH1s5Y&playnext=1&videos=6krnpsia1dQ&feature=sub

  6. its not him i talked to him on facebook he said les from ApJ GMM studios and a couple other are and I quote "declaring war on you" lol

  7. Ugh, trolling's even made it into the 40K community. I'll admit that I personally don't care for the artistic style on your tanks, Jawa, but I gotta admit that it took skill to paint em up that way; so I commend you nonetheless! Anyway, 40K's about how you want your models to look, not other people.

  8. If I were you comment on the video with a "Cool Story Bro!"
