The Throne of Skulls!

Gentlemen, the time is upon us.  This June 17th, the best of the best will descend upon Las Vegas and experience the ultimate in Gamesworkshop gaming.  The Throne of Skulls.  I received my invitation today for the tournament, including a nice rules pack, and I have one thing to say. Gasp!  They have so much scheduled, and so much to do, that I simply cannot wait.  I am definitely attending. Once I have had a chance to fully comprehend every thing in the packet I will make another post and share.  But in short, there is a five game GT wrapped around painting and conversion contests. There are team events and all sorts of awards and prizes.  Too cool!

The question now is what army should I bring? I think the event calls for an entirely new army.  Dark Eldar? Grey Knights? My new emo vamp Blood Angels?  Those will be my three options.  I have 6 months. So much to do. I'm in heaven.

:)  Jawaballs


  1. Looking forward to all the posts and videos that will follow the creation of that new army!!

  2. Tough call on the army pick, I would say probably GK though. Their rules will be new, as well as their units, the only issue is getting in enough playtesting. So if that fails, I would stick with BA due to the fact that DE are sweeping through tournaments left and right, and BA/SW (the old flavors) seem to be falling behind now.

  3. I vote Dark Eldar with a total non-net list.

  4. I'm all for Blood Angels, but it's simply because I play a list of them myself.

  5. You should try guard or tyranids, mix things up

  6. Isn't prepping for a GT simply the best. Army lists, new miniatures, conversions, painting. re-doing the army list, painting, re-doing the army list, painting and so on...

    All the best to you.

  7. Cool, I'm still considering going to it myself, though I'm not sure yet. The money it costs competes with the money I have saved for Adepticon, the Nova, BoLSCON, and (if they actually have it this time) Yeticon.

    Vegas would be 5th on my list of 5, simply because the format seems a little... rough to me. It looks like a good time though, I wonder why they haven't sent me the invite packet yet...

  8. My friend had the audacity to smash my entire blood angels army only because he hates to lose and i was the first to beat him...he smashed them beyond repair and without remorse and he wont even look at me now...ill be quitting 40k but ioll always follow jawas blog...

  9. Hah! Senrixx, some friends are not worth having. That is one of them. Were I you, and some douche "friend" smashed my models because I beat him, I would probably be going to jail.

  10. Haha jawa! But I know what you mean Senrixx, I no longer have the $/time to invest into 40k. (Sadness) Ive devolved into a blogger/youtube video watcher. Of course, I still come up with lists and what-not, but I doubt I'll ever have an opportunity to play them and see how they work out. (Also Sadness)

    Anyway Jawa, I would bring DOA Angels. Its the sort of thing that works one or two times against an opponent before they really figure out how to properly counter it. And all you need is one game for each player...

  11. Its sad i wont get to continue such a great game...ive only ben playing it for a few months...
