Off for Valentines Day Massacre! Loot Markers.

Objective markers are a part of making your army stand out when trying to score painting points.  So, I have for you here four that I made!  Going with my Emo Vamp motiff I went with a sacrificial alter with virgin ready to meet her maker, and also another Virgin, the JawaGirlfriend waiting for her turn.  I went with a standard loot pile, drawing on inspiration from the codex after the fall of of Tycho. This banner is his backback banner!  Also I included a melta pistol, Blood Angels Helm, loot chest and on the other side a Power Fist.  Finally, comes the Angel of Death himself!  I found him on Reaper Miniatures website along with the candles and other loot bits.  Along with the angel I threw in a cute pumpkin and imp.  All around they add a nice whimsical and dreary element to my display that I hope will push me into the top!



  1. I always find it interesting how scantily clad sacrificial virgins are... how do they manage to stay a virgin dressed like that?!?!

  2. I would also point out that the young lady kneeling between the candles appears to be very cold. :)

    Seriously, those models look great. The additional creative elements really make for a unique look. The power fist is brilliant. The flames on the two candles look fantastic. I personally have always struggled with flames.

  3. Did you not notice that she is the "Jawagirlfriend"? That is why she is still a virgin hehe.

    Jawa this is Joe from SVDM. It was good to see you again and I like the direction you are going with for your BA. Very unique and they look good. Look forward to running into you at the next event.

  4. haha Joe! I'm gunning for you man. I'm gonna follow your panzy pink marines with my Blood Angels until I take that Best Painted away from you. I admit I was not there yet, but I'm getting close! Maybe see you at Colonial?

  5. Colonial is the one in White Plains right? If so a few of DaBoyz and me are trying to work out the logistics of that one. If I make it I will take you out for a beer.

  6. Colonial is in Princton, NJ in April I think. I'm debating of it is worth the wrath of the wife. If I go I will actually be staying at the hotel and we can trade beers all night! Battle for Salvation is in White Plains on Columbus day in October. I am also planning on DaBoyz, but not if it's comp! :)
