Jawaballs plays in 3 game local tournament

Last weekend I went out to play a 3 game tournament at a local gaming store called Toywiz, in Nanuet NY.  There are only two places in my area outside of New York City that throw decent sized and semi regular tournaments. Brothers Grim in Selden NY and Toywiz. I don't get to make the Grim ones any more because they start them too late for me. The wife did not appreciate me getting home after midnight last time.  :)  So it was nice to be able to get in a good tournament and be home by 7. I even got to cook the wife dinner so as to lessen her wrath.

Moving on!

I am adding my list.

My list:


Termies x5
four claws
one hammer
Land Raider Crusader
Multi Melta
Extra Armor

Priests x2 no upgrades

Storm Raven
Las and multi

Devs with 4 ML

3 assault squads
1: Rhino, Melta
2: Rhino, Melta, PW
3: Razor, TL Las (Priest catches ride)

Furioso with Talons

Game One:

Picture borrowed from Tordek. 
Check his blog for more pics.

I ended up against blogger Tordek! I linked him up under the picture. Check his blog for more pictures and his batrep.  He was a nice guy and the game was a pleasure. I won the roll to go first and he failed to seize. So blast away I did!  If you look at the picture you see a blocky terrain piece near a crater and measuring tape on the left. Well, he had his two ravagers behind that piece. It was not enough to give them a cover save though, and on my first turn my Raven blasted one with the blood strikes and one with the Las, exploding them both.  My raider moved up and destroyed another raider while the rest of my shooting killed another I think, and took the gun off yet another.  

This pretty much ended the game. He with no way to move his boys, and most of his guns dead, there was little he could do against me but brace for impact.  I disembarked Meph and sent him down the middle towards that crater and sent the raven with the dread to its current position. The dread got out and killed the infantry holding that objective while the raven killed their raider. My Land raider put the hurt on some wyches which I surely did not want to have to get into assault. He dropped a webway hoping to bring in his much needed reinforcements right in my face. Sadly though, his Talos waited until turn five to come into the game. By the, it was all he had left. My raider punished his strong assault forces, while my assault forces ate up his shooty troops. 

Tordek was a spectacle of good sportsmanship though. The game was fun and light hearted. Some times guys get very sullied and bring the mood down when lady luck turns her back on them. Tordek just smiled and we played on. Good conversation, good game and good fun. 

In his defense, had he gone first, he would probably have blasted me off the table.  He had a lot of lances and would have certainly killed my armor, then probably gotten the jump on me in assault rather than me getting him. I shudder to think about what two squads of wychs would do to my terminator squad or Mephiston.

Great game man!

I tabled him and prepared for round 2.  

Round 2. (Sorry no more pics.)

I played against a Deathwing army played by a relatively new player. He tabled his round one opponent.

He had all terminator squads with a Deathwing librarian and the named dude who makes them troops or whatnot.

I reserved every thing and prepared for the killing! My raider and raven came on turn two and I sent them straight in after 3 squads of hammer termies I call Hammertime.  I sent in my termies and my dread. Bad mistake on the dread. 3+ invul saves dont care about Blood Talons. This was a KP mission, so I would have been better off just sitting him in the back some place safe. I took down a lot of termies especially after a bad round of rolling on his part from my shooting. He rolled a lot of 1s!  He killed my raven with missiles, and Mephiston was pinned in the wreckage! Damn box cars.  But before he could get more termies over to that side the flank folded. I killed his libby and 3 squads of hammertime. By then it was a matter of staying out of assault and punishing him with my Land Raider and Devastator squad with Frag Missiles.  Make a bunched up squad roll 25 dice, and he is gonna get some 1s.  By the time his named boy hit the table, it was over.

Round 3.
I played a Lysander marine army with Libby with Null Zone, two raiders, two squads of Hammertime, two 10 man tacs with rhinos and some scouts.

Way too confident, I sent in the raven to try to alpha strike his raider and kill his troops.  I failed to hurt the raider, and the cover saves failed to save the Raven, it died in the center of the table. On my next turn I went for assault. Meph got in, but only killed one tactical marine on the charge. The dread rolled a 1 for his movement, and a 1 for his run.  Blah.  I figured I would lose Meph to hammertime, but wanted to at least wipe out a tactical squad first. But I failed. On his turn I only killed two more tacticals, and he hit Meph with Hammers and killed him.  Lysander killed my dread.

Any other Blood Angel army would have folded at those losses. But that is why I have my big red Death Star!  Out charged my termies and killed Lysander and the first squad of Hammer Time.  From there the game became a dance of death, trying to hold objectives. There were three, our bases and one in the center. He immobilized a raider on terrain, and took out mine with a melta shot. I killed lots of marines, and tank shocked guys off his base twice, but going last he was able to take out my razorbacks and recontest or take the objectives.  The game ended in a draw!

You would have thunk I had learned from Valentines Day Massacre where I had two big losses from doing just what I did here. We will see if the lesson set in for next time. All I had to do was sit back and bait him into my destruction range, kill his heavy hitters at my advantage, then contest his objectives. If I had gotten my dread into his base with no hammers to take it down, it would have eaten all 3 of his troops squads defending it.

So that was it. I ended 2-1 on the day. When the scoring was being wrapped up, I noticed that the guy who went 3-0 for the day was playing with an unpainted army. Some of it was done, but it was mostly grey models. That meant that I could probably leapfrog him for the win!  Sure enough. My painting won yet another tournament for me.  :)

All in all it was a great local tournament and surprisingly competitive. There were 24 guys I think, and at least half of them were top notch players that I would see at any GT, with the rest being a mix of experienced casual players and noobies.

Fun stuff! Up next? The Colonial GT.  More to come on that later.



  1. Thats pretty unlucky for meph though, he should kill at least 4 marines a turn even with bad luck and a hood around.

    On an unrelated note, Jawa im about to start painting my BA land raider, any tips for such a massive model? its overwhelming.

  2. Hi Jawa.

    Gratz on the winning another tourney, wish I could be there to kick your asses, same with mats, just an ocean saves you....hahahaa (joke, i would probably get owned)

    So any chances you could post up your list? for what i see you have mephi and dread in the raven, X hammertime on the LR, 4 ML, las/plas and thats all?

    I have a couple of question if you don't mind.

    1)Which mistake did you make on your 3rd game that you made on the other tourney? trying to alpha strike with the raven?

    2)how did you manage to kill 3 whole hammertime squads, I allways have trouble dealing with them since it gets so anoying cuz if you assault with your own hammertime, well, you run into yourselves, is just about luck who is going to win hitting at the same time with same S, well you get 5 more attacks, which is 2,5 more wounds, 1 after saves, but not enough to keep chewing through 3 squads

    Well good battle report, and good job on tabling your 2 first opponents

  3. My list:


    Termies x5
    four claws
    one hammer
    Land Raider Crusader
    Multi Melta
    Extra Armor

    Priests x2 no upgrades

    Storm Raven
    Las and multi

    Devs with 4 ML

    3 assault squads
    1: Rhino, Melta
    2: Rhino, Melta, PW
    3: Razor, TL Las (Priest catches ride)

    Furioso with Talons

    Reclusiarch, priest and termies in radier. Meph and Drad in Raven. Reserve the two rhinos. Place priest in TL Las Razor next to Devs to baby sit.

    My mistake? Over extending one of my assault forces before the other can keep up. In one game I lost my raider and all the guys inside in one round of enemy shooting. On another I lost the raven dread and Meph. Both times I was playing most of a game with half an army. While this list is much more aggressive than my Mechanicon Defensive Blood Angels list, I still need to be more careful with how I use it. That alpha strike is not worth it.

    I killed the termies with Furious Charging Lightning Claw termies and the Rec. I shot them up first with the raider killing a couple, then assaulted dealing about 20 wounds. If 2 out of 6 die, that is roughly 7 on the charge before the hammer. I did not wipe them on the charge, but finished them off next turn without losing my chaplain or all the termies. He lost one or two because of fearless saves. The priest stayed in the raider. The only way to deal with Hammertime? Make them roll lots of dice.

  4. Chris, you guys need to put more terrain down. Compared to Europe its like watching a empty table! ;)

    Nice tournament, batreps and grats on the win!

  5. That particular table was a last minute addition. More guys showed up than they planned on so they had to scrounge up terrain. But you are right, most US tournaments are lacking on the terrain, which is partly why I do well. I plan on skimpy terrain. When I do get a table that blocks LoS for my Raven, BONUS!

  6. I liked the part about the wife aggro, I can relate to that, still havnt told mine I'm going to the Nova open (that will be a fun experience....ha ha)....maybe you could give us an article for the slightly older married guys like me about how to deal with wife aggro..lol...or even better an article from the wife of a gamer and how she deals with us grown up "boys". But back on topic, great showing at the tournie. I am going to my local tournie this weekend, I'm trying to squeeze in a couple more tournies with my Daemons before April....ugh

  7. I made a funny article some time ago about wife agro. Me thinks it is time for another. My secret? Money. All of you who have bought Jawavids or bases now know where your hard earned cash is going. To relieve my wife agro. Every time I go to an event I empty my Paypal account and give it all to her. :)

  8. Hey Jawa, was wondering where I could post my blood angels list im planning on running so I could get feedback from you and other sons of Sanguinius.

  9. Email it to me at hotmail and I will post it up!

  10. As I said on my site,

    It was a great experience against a great opponent and I look forward to a rematch at some point.

    Sometimes your the dog, sometimes your the hydrant. Either way you got to play it with a smile. Or dont bother playing. It is only a game/hobby.

    PS theres a C in TordeCk lol. Jeez I'm not a Dwarf.

  11. ey Chris, that way of dealing with your wife is called "buying his love" and not real love :p ... Or blackmailing, but if it works, then great.

    Have you tried that list against some alpha strike IG? how did it work out

  12. Kaintxu I have not yet tried this list vs instawin...er alpha strike IG. But I suspect I would do just as well as every one else. (Poorly) The list played by guys like Mike Brandt is just too perfect. Nothing against them and I do respect Mike, but that list, 6-7 chimera vets, 3 vendettas, strakken, al rahim, mix and match psykers and or allies and heavy tanks of choice is nigh unbeatable. It gives average players a good chance at winning any GT they enter, and seasoned pros the luxury of just sitting back and letting the toys do the work. Hell, if I really wanted to win GTs I would just play them!

    But against them, if I don't go first, I'm pretty much done. If I do get to go first, by either somehow winning the die roll or seizing the initiative, then I have a chance.

  13. hi jawa im starting to get back into the hobby (a year ago i played tau wanted to start a BA list then stopped for a year) now im back and was getting into BA then when i go to my old GW which relocated to a bigger store i was walking around and this guy was talking about how awesome space wolves are.then i do some research and people say how awesome DA are AND NOW IM TOTALLY CONFUSED!! what are the tactics pros and cons and what not about these armies?

  14. Hey Jawaballs, my group is running at 1250 point armies but to be honest I'm really wanting to participate in a real tourny sometime soon. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do something similar with a list that you did for the Stout Smurf? I don't need a lot of help just something that won't get demolished and is Blood Angels. I'd really like to field my Stormraven and Librarian. But, I know you are really busy and if you had time I'd appreciate any help you could provide.

    By the way, I have a Meph on order and love the razorback but I really don't want to mimic your list.

  15. Hi long time luker here mainly because I've been too lazy to make an account but enough about me.
    I noticed in your written lists you have 2 rinos and a razor back but in the video walk through they are all razors, was wondering if its a typo or for the ability to fire your meltas from in side a rino or somthing else>
    also what would you add to this list to make it 2k?

  16. Ru486baby: I made a slight change to my list. I replaced the two heavy bolter razors with Rhinos and added a melta gun to one of the squads. This makes them take less fire. To make this list 2k I would add more troops. Probably another razorback with TL Las.

    Servvsumbrarum: If I am playing it, then it is currently what I believe to be the strongest list available in light of the current tournament meta game. The competitive game changes weekly and I always try to stay on top.

    At 1250 get Mephiston in there with a Storm Raven and Furioso then use razorspam for the rest of your points. You will own people.

    Storm Raven EA, MM, Asscan
    Furioso EA, HF, BT

    RAS: Rhino, Melta, PW
    RAS: RHino, Melta, PW
    RAS: Rhino, Melta

    Priest x2. Stick them with the PW RAS

    Devastators ML x4

    That should do well! Most guys won't have the punch to deal with the Meph/raven/furioso combo plus you have 3 fast moving and effective troops squads and lots of fire power from the devs.

  17. Thanks Jawa!

    My currently list involves putting a 9 man Vet Squad (no packs, Fist x2) in with a Chaplain, Librarian and Sang Priest. Sort of a mini death-star.

    How important is it to use the Stormraven as a transport? I know you only carry Meph but I just feel it needs something more in it.

  18. Oh and I'm looking to push towards an 1850 or 2000 list. Any additional suggestions on filling that out?

  19. hey there jawa, do you have a thought on which is better, the redeemer or the crusader? or do flame storm cannons scare people too much into making sure the raider stays put?

  20. Artstthms get magnets, stick it 2 each gun then depending on what u need swap the guns around

  21. Hey Jawa, I got an blood angel army n i only got the black reach set n the space marine box set ( i didnt know what u get at the time, so i painted space marines red) also i got 1 dev squad n 1 predator n 3 termies n 2 assult n 1 death company. Thats it. What should i put in my army out of what i have in a 2000 pts match

  22. Hey jawa I just wanted to ask your opinion on this list before I go ahead and throw it down on the table at a local 1750 tournament;
    1750 Points list.


    10 man Tactical squad=180

    5 man Assault squad=125
    Melta gun 
    Power sword

    5 man Assault squad=125
    Melta gun 
    Power sword

    5 manAssault squad=115
    Power sword

    Baal predator=145
    Heavy bolter

    Baal predator=145
    Heavy bolter 

    Baal predator=145
    Heavy bolter

    Furioso dreadnought=165
    Blood talons 
    Heavy flamer
    Magna grapple
    Extra armour 

    Furioso dreadnought=165
    Blood talons 
    Heavy flamer
    Magna grapple
    Extra armour 


    65 points left
    Sanguinary Priest!?!
    Sanguinary priest=50

  23. Hey jawaballs just out of interest is this your email?--------> jawaballs.hotmailcus.com
