Wargamescon! The completion of the trifecta.

Hey folks!

My tournament travel scene is sort of like the Bermuda Triangle. I want to hit three big events, and the rest of my life disappears in between.  Two of the big ones that I have decided to lock myself into are The Mechanicon and The Nova Open. Both are outstanding events put on by good people and most importantly, within driving distance. So what event finishes off the triangle?  Well, I would like to say Adepticon, but I have never been there! I'm not saying it is not awesome, but until I have gone, I have to file it under "I'm Trying". The boys over at BOLS have become friends of mine. I went to Bolscon two summers ago and was unable to go again this past summer. But I definitely plan on going again this year! What is keeping me back? Well, it is not an easy decision. I would love to see Larry, Jwolf, Goatboy and the guys again, drink some beers and enjoy another weekend of good gaming. But that damned Throne of Skulls had to pop up this year. Plus I intend on going to Gamesday in Chicago. Add to that the Jawababy and my quest to buy a home to raise him in... and Wargamescon does not seem like a possibility. I should know more in a few weeks after I have filed all the necessary paper work to start the process. 

Should YOU go to Wargamescon? I have to say that if it was driving distance, I would be there hands down. I had such a great time last time that my expectations for what a tournament should be were set almost unreasonably high. It was that good. If you want to experience a top notch event, get there.  

Hope to see you guys in Austin!  



  1. Yeah, I've loved it both years I went, and I'm already signed up for year 3. Hope you can make it Jawa! :)

  2. Haha. I'm planning on wargamescon, it is a matter of finances. We have a meeting with a home buying advisor next week. It all depends on what sorts of first time homebuyer programs we qualify for. By the end of March I should know if im going. I hope so!

  3. Third time's a charm! I'm hoping to be there this summer for the narrative again!

  4. I'd like to try to go. I'm not much of a gamer though, so I'm not sure why? I think I'd just like to get out for a weekend and hang out with like minded (preferably beer drinking) geeks. I'm within driving distance though, so that's another reason for temptation.

    Good luck with the house buying. It's great to own your own place, but it's more work (upkeep) than I ever imagined.

  5. Da Boyz GT in Rochester NY is a pretty sweet event and easily with in driving distance of you sir.

  6. I have already accepted an invitation to attend DaBoyz this year! I will be there, taking Best Painted away from those powder puff marines. :)

  7. Jawa, I hope you get to make it to WargamesCon. I went last year hoping to see you there to get a game in with you, and maybe a Battle Report, but I didn't get to see you. I'll be there this year looking for ya!

  8. It's not looking good. Unless the BOLS boys can help a brotha out! I am saving money to make a mortgage down payment. :(

  9. Well, if they can't figure out a way for you to make it down there. I live in Wichita, Kansas. There isn't a very big scene of 40k down here. I've been wanting to travel up to the East coast to try out some new opponents, maybe someday I'll be able to travel up that way. I am currently in the process of getting a camera, and setting up a blog for battle reports and all things hobby. I have you to thank for inspiring me. So I really look forward to playing against you sometime!
