I don't use twitter!

I just noticed that some one created a twitter account for Jawaballs using my first name. Well, it is not me. I don't use twitter and never will!  If you are following this account, it is a fake.  :)



  1. Why say never? I don't use twitter, but I don't really see it as evil or anything.

    just wondering.

  2. I don't see a need to update people on my thoughts via text. Plus I hate texting. I didn't say I thought it was evil. Just that I will never use it.

  3. You know you have made it to fame when people are faking being you in a non profit way!

  4. How is twitter any differnt than blogspot? lol?

    it would be a good way to defend against this kind of crap.

    twitter is also way faster than any rss feed or blog roll, also extremly easy to use for you and your followers.... kinda like someone having a radio show that wont publish in mp3....

  5. Well, how bout I can't upload gigs worth of pictures and video to twitter? That is a pretty big difference. (Or maybe I can. I never tried.) Plus on blogspot I am able to write in complete sentences, and (mostly)complete thoughts. And how much faster do you need? Do you really need to know what I had for breakfast as I'm eating it? Oh and I use a 90s style flip phone with no data plan. My texting is at a minimum and usually consists of two or three letter messages like "no" and "Yes" when my wife asks me annoying questions.

  6. The next posting will be Jawaballs telling us to get off his lawn. (LOL) You know we love you Jawa!

    "The Initiate"

  7. Haha. The funny part is this post has nothing to do with me liking twitter or not. Its funny how things twist so easily!

  8. Yes I would follow you on twitter and be interested in your breakfast. For sure!

    Just because you are technology limited for some reason, is not a good reason to be More technology limited....

    If you had a better phone with a cool camera, you wouldent forget your camera.

  9. Well if you ARE following me on Twitter, you are not following me. You following some loser who is probably sitting around reading this right now picking his zits and eating them.
