Quick HoA WIP shot.

Hey folks, I know I promised Nova list talk this week, but with school ending, classroom cleanup, moving Jawaballs Productions back into my tiny apartment, and Jawa Nation taking off, I just have not had time to write. But I wanted to take a quick moment to give you a WIP shot of Tycho's Land Raider!

I am going to write Blood Angels on the scroll.  I will be applying some BA logo transfers instead of hand painting them. Just a couple here and there. I honestly like the transfers and cannot do a better job. I will be drilling out the barrels of the guns, and adding a final highlight on the edges.  The armor on the guns has not been touched with highlights yet in case you are wondering. I need to play with the 1 a bit. It is too skinny for how tall it is. needs to be wider.  I would say this tank has 2 more hours of detailing before it is complete.  Good pics incoming! 

I will have a complete update post for you tomorrow!  In two weeks, the Blood Angels army will be done.



  1. Are you hiding the big custom bit on the other side? I don't think we have seen an update there in a while... :) Looking great.

  2. Haha, nope, that side got finished early and this side got neglected. Just giving equal time!

  3. Now that painting right there is "classic Jawaballs"! Great stuff mate.


  4. It would not be a Jawaballs tank without some hand painting love! I almost regret using the scibor reliefs because it consumed all of the space for me to hand paint. But it was just too cool not to use. thanks Dave!

  5. Any plans for the top spaces? They look alittle plain vs the sides.

    Looking good. This makes me want to get add another $20 spot to the pool for it.

  6. So when do we get to see Tycho? I can't wait to see him standing near his ride!

  7. I love your stuff man, your blood angels is what partly inspired me to start the army myself years ago. This freehand is amazing, I cannot wait to see him finished!
