Space Hulk for sale!

Selling it here first! I have two Factory Sealed Space Hulk 3rd edition, plus a full set of Genestealers on sprue, and one full set of the game, unpunched, minus models in box.  Here is a list of things and my prices: All prices do not include shipping, which will be the cheapest I can do for your address.

Space Hulk 3rd Factory Sealed: Routinely sells on Ebay for 250+.  My price is 220.00 each

Space Hulk Genestealers: On sprue. 60.00

Game minus models, in box: 50.00  (there are multiple ones on ebay now with bids for this price)

I will entertain taking on a painting commission for Space Hulk as well.  I have my personal set of termies I would let go, as well as my genestealers, and I would do the ones listed above.

I won't open the factory seal on the boxes. So sorry no single termies.  I will ship overseas, but it will cost more as I have to go to the PO and fill out paperwork and wait in line. That sucks.

If you are into Fantasy, I have a couple untouched boxes of Island of Blood for reasonable prices.

I also have two 6th Ed mini rulebooks for sale, 20 bucks a piece.

I will be listing up a bunch of painted models at reasonable prices very soon.  Including my auto/las predators, dante, sanguinor, squads of infantry and more.  All of which has appeared in at least one Best Painted army!

Be looking soon for my DaBoyz writeup on BOLS, plus I owe you a Walking Dead review... So much to do!

Email me directly if you want to talk business.



  1. They are not listed yet. I was hoping to sell them here first. Email me, jawaballs at hotmail if you are interested.

  2. Damn they up to $250 already,not bad $150 profit
    I bought an extra to sell years down the line.
