Lamenters Vanguard Vet!

Here is one of my Lamenters Vanguard Veteran SGT. WIP!  I need to redo the power sword and bolt pistol, but the armor is mostly complete.

I'm particularly happy with the checkers on his apron. 

More to come!



  1. I really like the NMM effects on the yellow armor (the yellow looks very good, btw. I know how hard it is to achieve that color!). I really like the checkerboard on his loin cloth. Very nice, Jawa!

  2. Thanks man! The only way I could outdo my Nova Blood Angels from last year was to go Yellow! This army is intended my next competition one. I figure after I have done 20 or so of these guys, I will have it down!

  3. Haha, but why would he need a Loin Cloth when he already has armor there!

  4. I'm sorry, I don't really look at your whole models. I just stare at your Lamenters shoulder pads you freehand. Amazing as always.

  5. Thanks Jeff, I am still working on sharpening the edges of the checks. For this one I experimented by spraying the pad grey, then just layering lighter greys up to white rather than trying to paint with white base. I found the white base to be too thick despite my best efforts. The checks should look a little more grey and gritty.
