Help a battle brutha out!

Hey guys!

Help me out with a rules question. Last year when I was building my list I planned to build using Shield of Baal.  I was looking at two Flesh Tearers formations jacked out with Assault Squads in Rhinos. For some reason I thought one of the formations had all Objective Secured assault squads...

Can any one help shed light on this?  Was I just crazy?  Did I read something that was wrong? I bought a dozen Rhinos to build the army...  What was I thinking? Why did I think assault squads were Obsec? Maybe this was a special rule for The Nova Open Narrative which was what I was building the army for?

Edit: I did find the NOVA 2015 Narrative primer and it says all units equipped with Jump Packs count as Obsec in their Blood Angels supplement.  That is probably where I got confused in wrapping my head around the game.  It was still pretty new!  Any one have input?


  1. I have no idea where that came from. However - warning - in the codex, an assault squad could drop their jump packs and get a free rhino or drop pod (leading to podded 5-man melticide assault squads)...the REVISED assault squad entry in the new Angels Blade supplement changes that completely. Assault squads come w/o jump packs but add them for 3 points a model...dedicated transports are then purchased as normal...none are is becoming clearer that the designers, in the fluff for the formations and detachments from the now 3+ sources, are expecting BAs to take advantage of their buffs for deeps strike deployments and those formations that can deploy from reserves as early as turn 1, etc. Support vehicles are largely designed to be predators, Baal preds, and landraiders to support that style of play. Only troops would seem to be scouts in that design. UNLESS you take the BA company formations, some of which have troops as obsec. Its a whole new world out there!

  2. I'm thinking Jawa needs to invest in Sanguinary Guard and terminators...using the two new formations that give the opportunity for disordered charges and/or extra shooting on arrival from reserves...

    (FYE - I have modeled and played my BAs as 5th Company - and in the new Angels Blade Supplement - essentially all of 5th goes over to the black rage and...I might need to just reprime everything black...!)

  3. Yah I saw that change and started thinking through a new list. Assault squads in Rhinos is no longer an option. Too expensive. But yes, the Golden Host and Terminator squad formations are almost too good to exclude from any list. Im thinking Dante with 2 squads of Sanguinary Guard, 3 squads of terminators and then a CAD with a priest and as many scouts as I can squeeze in.

  4. Sounds like a confusion between the Gladius in C:SM and the Blood Angels Battle Company. I agree with Dante and the Sanguinary Guard. You might think about taking a Relic Spartan for transport for the terminators and using formation that makes it Fast. To me that stars to feel like the old Blood Angels and the formation is quite good as well.
