New Blood Angels Stuff?

Perhaps my absence has kept me out of the loop of what is coming soon but I was looking around this morning and came across these preorders available on the GW British site.  I giddily tried to buy the limited edition Angel's Blade set but then realized it was not available in the US. Any one have any thoughts on this stuff? Is this old news?

 I am an absolute sucker for limited edition book sets and this makes me wish I got the Chaos version.

I don't think I knew there were Blood Angels sternguard and vanguard vet sets!  

Finally here is a command squad set that appears to come with a captain!  


  1. You should definitely scoop up the Ltd edition. Personally, the latest BA dex really soured me on the army- it was the equivalent to 6th ed Dark Angels (bad, competitively). Here's hoping these rules fix the latest dex short commings.

  2. Yah I will be grabbing it up. Any idea when it will be available in the states?

  3. You should definitely scoop up the Ltd edition. Personally, the latest BA dex really soured me on the army- it was the equivalent to 6th ed Dark Angels (bad, competitively). Here's hoping these rules fix the latest dex short commings.

  4. Pretty much all existing SM set plus BA upgrade sprue. Releasing them as individual kits is a waste of space on the retail floor.

  5. Ahhh drat. Was hoping for more unique stuff. I appreciated the BA tac squad though..

  6. Oh and the book just came online for US purchase, I preordered. :) There is now one less available in the US.

  7. All the blood angels! Buy them all! Fill the blog with blood for the blood angels....totally not for the other guy!

  8. I wish I had enough money to buy them all. Then I would give them freely to those who showed promise and deserved the grace of Sanguinius.
