Fist of all I wanted to share links from the GW website:
I won Best Banner at Gamesday and they got it posted up!

But they misspelled my name... :(

But I didn't stop there!  I made their website again as part of the Heroes of Armageddon club table!

Fritz managed to sneak in there as well!

The club table won Best Theme!

I have more Gamesday videos coming soon.

Now for the real purpose of posting today.  A step by step of my new model:

The Sanguinor:

I am following the Sanguinor guide from Whtie Dwarf, April 2010
The first layer of paint is a 50/50 mix of Calthan Brown and Snakebite

Then Snakebite with a pinch of Bleached Bone.

Then a 2/1 Snakebite and Bleached Bone

Then a 50/50 Snakebite and Bleached

All the way to a 1/2 Snakebite Bleached

Then a wash in the recesses with Dark Flesh

Then some Dark flesh mixed with black

Then pure bleached bone highlights followed by extreme highlights with White

Then a wash with watered down Sunburst yellow to make it more goldy

After the yellow wash I hit it with a watered down Leviathan Purple in the recesses
and did the details like wings and such my standard Codex, Fortress and White

Finally I retouched the highlights on the armor with bleached bone mixed with Glaze Medium
and then the final white highlights again. 

At this point I glued the backpack to the stand and base coated the scrolling Bestial Brown.  I cannot work further on the model for fear of damaging the paint.  I will get pics of him finished up as soon as possible!

Assault marines next... :)



  1. Oh snap, we made the GeeDub website! Mwahahahahah! Congrats on the banner again, Jawaballs. Can't wait for the video footage.

  2. Wow. Lots of nice pictures and a very cool tutorial. Thanks!

  3. Well actualy you made it tree times: if you click on the picture of "Trouble at Biolab 7" at the Club page you are in the background.

  4. I am amazed, that Sanguinor is going to be stunning to say the least.

    I can't wait to see the new assault marines.

  5. Thanks guys. I will do another post tomorrow with update pics. Tonight I am heading out to Stout Smurf's place to work on our terrain boards! We are doing a three piece board for his, mine and Fritz's army for Trios. I found this cool mechanical coffin terrain piece that I am going to try to incorporate, and some other cool stuff. :)
