NMM Sanguinor and Jawaballs Nova Army WIP video!

Hey folks!

So I have been working like mad trying to finish my army for The Nova Open.  My intentions? I want to compete for Best Painted and/or Renaissance Man.  Haha, lofty goals huh?  Well, last year I was .01 points away from winning Ren Man with an army that I admit was not my best.  This year I decided to bring nothing less than the best I can do, on every model.  To a degree. There are many different interpretations of what is "best".  Some people think nothing but flawless blending with no highlights at all is best. Some think that purely realistic with massive wear and tear is.  I have decided that this time, my best will be a very stylized and almost "cartoony" army.  I am working Non metallic metals, and all of my models have many layers of shading, blending and layering, but they are finished with a bold, stylized line edge.

Joe Johnson proved that you can win Best Painted with a very untraditional style of painting.  His "Salmon Pink" creamsicle marines have won the award many times out here on the east coast.  It was his inspiration, along with techniques I have developed recently as my painting style evolved that brought me to my current army look.  Rather than trying to copy what has come before, I wanted to create something new and different, but no less beautiful.  That is evidenced in my scouts and assault marines.

With that I give you my Sanguinor model. I decided to include him in my list very recently, and wanted to give the model my first real try at NMM gold.

Here he is mostly finished! I just have to do the peripheral details that will take just a few minutes. 

And if you want to see the rest of the army check out my video:

I will post an update of this soon!

Let me know what you think.



  1. That army is crazy good! Full of style and bright colors. If you complete that army, you definitely have a chance at taking an appearance title.

    Those scouts looks awesome. Really the bright colors and blending will score you some serious points.

  2. I definatly must say looking at the picture I swear you used dwarf bronze and shining gold on the sanguinor


  3. really love the shitch to NMM it really brings out your paintstyle and gives it a greater pop on the table while still giving great detail!

  4. Cool, looks really good! I'll get to see it all in a week! :)
