WarTV launches Tomorrow!

That's right folks!

Tomorrow you get to see live televised games of Warhammer 40k 6th Edition!

We launch WarTV.tv and you get to see what should be the first live televised games of 6th edition in the world!  Fritz, Smurf and I will be taking Q and A and playing a few games for your viewing pleasure. We will be doing circumstantial demonstrations as well. Questions about how assault works? We will set up an assault for you and demonstrate it!

Fritz and Smurf are going to be starting to organize around 1:00 PM EST. So you may get to log in early and catch some pregame chat!

I personally will be down at the Greenwich Village GW store in NYC entering my Blood Angels in the Armies on Parade competition.  I will hurry home and will be playing the second game of the day.  If you are in the city stop by and say hello!  The voting should be around 2:00 PM.

We will be giving away prizes throughout the day, with the Grand Prize being a Warhammer 40k 6th edition rule book!  In order to be eligible to win prizes, you must be registered on our MAILING LIST.

Sign up on the list, and join the show!  See you tomorrow.



  1. Good luck tomorrow!

    I hope you run your drop pod list, as I'm excited to see it perform in 6th ed. rules.

  2. will we get an email when your about to go live? I think 3pm is around 7pm my time

  3. Good suggestion. I will tell fritz to send a blast out with the actual time. Expect it any where between 1 and 3 EST

  4. Got the book earlier tonight, you should be very very excited! I think this is the game everyone was waiting for.... Missions look like a blast! Cant wait to tune in

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ugh... Furious Charge is now only +1 Str. The initiative bonus is gone. That with the nerf to FNP pretty much means an elimination to Sanguinary Priests to my army. Oh well. Time to add libby dreads...

  7. However rage is just +2 attacks now, so hello death company?

  8. Yup, DCs stock just went up. Rage got a huge buff. Now they are a must have in any BA army in my opinion. :)

  9. 1850 -
    HQ -
    2 Jump Librarians

    Elite -
    Librarian Furioso in Drop Pod

    Troops -
    6 Death Company (power sword, power fist) + Lemartes with jump packs
    DC Dread with blood talons and heavy flamer in Drop Pod
    2 x 10 Assault Marines with melta, powerfist

    Heavy Support -
    Rifleman Dread w extra armor
    2 x Whirlwinds with storm bolters and extra armor

    I know, I know. Whirlwinds? Well... lots of people will be playing gunlines in defensive positions, especially Guard, Tau, Wolves, and some other Marines. So, they're going to have decent cover saves. So, why not Predators? Because people are going to seal off movement lines with the defense line too. How to counter that? Pods, jump troops, walkers.

    Whoo, DC again. 6 DC with a power fist and a power weapon + Lemartes has 5 S5 power weapon attacks at I6, 20 (2 base, +1 extra CCW + 2 Rage) S5 attacks and 5 S5 power weapon attacks at I4, and 4 S9 power fist attacks at I1. Reroll failed to hit and to wound tests. 400 points, but still very nice.

  10. What to do with 150 more points? Corbulo and 45 more points? The advantage is that he is elite and not HQ... or does Death Company Tycho steal the show? 75 points less than Mephiston but Rage gives him 7A at WS7, S5, I5 that ignore armor, get 2d6 penetration (so he can pen Land Raiders) and he has Fleet. The downside is his T4, but he has 2+ (artificer armor)/4+ invul (iron halo)/5+ FNP saves.

  11. Oh, and if the DC unit above only moves 6" in the movement phase, they get 7 S4 attacks (rerolled to hit and wound) attacks at I10. Not so terribly exciting, but that's 41 attacks for 7 models at various Initiatives.

  12. any chance of an approximate program. when the games are, when you are explaning the rule books when the give aways are. this would be help full cus i dont want to wach it all live. this would be qut helpfull.

  13. Hint... the random give aways are intended to encourage people to watch the show... otherwise you would only tune in to win stuff and that's not fair...

  14. How are people commenting on the live stream?

  15. I'm with Ian, how are people commenting on the live stream?

  16. The stream went great. It was a lot of fun, and I hope every one watchig learned as much as I did!

  17. I missed the live stream! I hope to see the video..

  18. I was watching the live stream, but could not find the chat feature or figure out how people were chatting.

  19. Ahh sorry man, you had to actually go to the ustream channel to join the chat. We are working out a better way.

  20. No problem. That sort stuff happens on the first time out.

    It was still great fun.

  21. the main reson i wanted a program was so i knew when the stout smurf jawa game was.no offence to any necrons) but i dont realy like necrons. it would of also been good to know when you would be asking questions.
