WarTV a smashing success!

So we completed our first episode of WarTV yesterday with only a couple of issues.  We had one computer crash which dumped a bunch of people as I was going over the prize support. And the HD camera we were going to use to film closeups and create a nice batrep with had no charge and was out of action.

Aside from that, it was a fantastic day!  We played two games of 40k and gave out a ton of prizes donated by Spikey Bits and The Gamers Gambit. I want to thank Rob and Justin for their support.

First the numbers. Throughout the day we had over 200 registered viewers pop in, and I believe the max at one time was about 130.  Prizes were handed out on the fly and as best we could with all but the new rule book going only to dudes who were actually in the broadcast.  It was rewarding and fun to call out the winner then watch the chat fly as dudes waited for the guy to claim his loot!  And then cheer when he did not respond... good stuff.

But the prizes are secondary to the grand prize of the day. We got a hard core crash course in 6th edition.  The only way to learn the game is to open the book. So as we played we were looking up rules at the table while viewers were doing so at home.  It was an interesting situation as some interpretations were introduced and rules were discovered and hashed out.

For example, "look out sir" was a good one.  As it appears now, wound allocation is applied to the unit starting with the model closest to the shooting. Then that model keeps making saves until he is dead and the wounds continue down the line?  What happens if your commander is leading the charge?  He is the only one who takes bullets?  I let him take the first wound, then attempted to use Look Out Sir to apply the rest of the wounds to the honor guard.  Without me scouring the rule book does any one have a clear understand of the situation they can share?  I admit being in the front is dangerous, but it seems wonky that the front model has to make each and every save until he dies.

Another huge discovery for me was disembarking. It seems there is now a 6" radius bubble within which I can place my model when my pods land.  That is HUGE!  It allows my stuff to completely jump behind walls or tanks for cover or back shots.

We didn't even look at psychic powers or allies yesterday. There was too much to worry about with just the rules.  So my mission today is to clean up the mess, finish a banner then sit in the AC with my rule book and read.  There is a lot to learn so I can get to work trying to break it.  :)

I am most excited about allies. Not for the broken part though. I like the opportunity to play Tau or Eldar for example along with my Blood Angels.  It's exciting!

Our next show is tentatively scheduled for July 21 or so.  We have to clear it with the wives.  We plan on doing a monthly live show with several smaller scale shows through the weeks.  Next week Jim and I are going to get together to paint some Tau as we start reworking our lists.

Thank you 6th edition.

I want to apologize to any folks who may have missed out on winning prizes because they were not in chat. We did not anticipate the problem people encountered when watching the feed from our site WarTV.tv. The only way to see the chat was by watching the feed directly from our Ustream channel, not the embedded feature on WarTV.  This did not become clear until I checked email after the show and saw messages from a winner who was unable to respond. Sadly at this time all results stand, but we will try to make it up to the couple of people who encountered this problem in the future.



  1. is the recording posted anywhere to watch for those of us who missed it (or some of it)?

  2. With the failure of my HD cam, I didn't get any recording, but Fritz did. Once we get something posted I will let every one know.

  3. I'm confused by your description of Look Out, Sir. On page 16 it just says that if a character takes a wound, he rolls to see if another model anywhere within 6" will take its place (each wound gets a 'replacement' roll if possible.) It even says "a model that is out of range or line of sight of the Shooting Attack."

  4. Five wounds were dealt to the squad and my librarian was closest to the shooter. So according to the new wound allocation rules, the librarian had to make 5 saves until he died or made all the saves. He made the first two, then failed the third and failed his feel no pain roll, taking a wound. On the fourth and fifth I decided to use Look Out Sir and gave the wound to the honor guard. One failed the save and died.

  5. I think I understand Look Out. The squad took 5 wounds. They all had the same armor save. I should have rolled five wounds at once. (2 failed) Then I start taking off wounds from the squad based on who is closest to the gun. (The librarian) Since I did not want to lose the librarian, I can then use Look Out to place those wounds on guys behind him. So I have a 4+ chance to always avoiding a wound on certain models so long as there are squad members in range to take the hit.

  6. Also this means that we have to be more careful with our characters!

  7. Thanks for the live show yesterday, very good.

  8. Also, in the Independant characters section, it states that Look Out, Sir tests for IC's are passed on a 2+

  9. I think that applies to characters trying to take a wound for another. Say if my librarian tried to take a wound from a priest...

  10. It was Very Entertaining Jawa, and I was glad to be able to help sometimes with the rules. Now time for me to actually sit down and read the whole thing. Looking forward to the next show.

  11. Yah Shin, I think the interactive feature of it was the best part. Lots of guys got to give input and actually guide the game! Thanks for watching.

  12. BA have access to divination which is a extremely powerful set of magic (effectively eldar-esque) They are my constant ally now. Mephiston, according to the faq, can even drop his individual powers for rolling on the divination chart so he is a must take as an ally for me

  13. cant you get the vidio off the cam that made the recording

  14. It was very fun. The guys saying *call the next name* were hilarious. Counting down faster and stuff lol. Worked out very well. Thanks again for the show.

  15. It was actually a pretty funny chat room. :)

  16. Played in a tournament Sunday with the 6th ed. rules, very very fun. Manage to do any challenges in the assault phase Jawa? It seems the emerging meta is anti-terminator. Landraiders are much harder to knock out of commission with those 4 hull points. Saw so many guys lose dreadnoughts in the first round of shooting! It was insane!

  17. jawa I dont know if you've been asked this before but with the new rage rules in the rulebook does this mean a DC army with astrath is now a good army?. Since as I see it now the DC are not running round like mad after the closest enemy unit.

  18. Was not able to catch it Jawaballs but def. Going to try and watch next time. My buddy and I just played our first official 6th edition game this past Friday. I posted it on my blog: http://war40kbrothertel.blogspot.com/ were def, noobs and have a great deal of questions and excited to continue to learn and explore the hobby! Hope to speak with you soon!
