Are you a teckie geek? Jawaballs needs YOU!

Hey folks! I am looking for some tech geek support. Want to make 50 bucks cold hard cash? Here is how!

I am attempting to use my Canon Vixia HF200 HD Video camera to broadcast live on I am using a PC with 8g of ram, a high end video card and plenty of power. There has to be a way to make it happen. I will purchase whatever it takes to make it work.

Your task... make it work. I want you to tell me exactly what I need to do to make this happen and assist me as I do it. Upon my successful live broadcast on using my Vixia HF200, I will send you paypal or a check for 50 bucks. The quicker you help me accomplish this, the quicker you get your money. The first guy that emails me the information that works, gets the contract. If he fails, I go to the next one.

What I am not after is is a bunch of guys throwing untested guesses at me. I want some one to figure it out, then walk me step by step through doing it. I am not stupid, and have a good working knowledge of computers. I can install whatever cards that need to be installed.

If this is impossible on Ustream, feel free to suggest another site. The only requirement is that I am able to password protect my broadcast.

There you go! Number one... Engage.



  1. doesnt it just connect to the pc via firewire and then appear as a video source on the ustream panel?

  2. That camcorder doesn't have firewire and most likely the USB is only for copying video from it's memory.

    Jawaballs, I can't do a step by step, but try this software:


    There is a free trial and it is only $20.

  3. I saw webcamDV previously and was considering it. So I gave it a shot. Downloaded the trial. After trying many different connections, I managed to get it to work. The webcamDV program that is. So step one is a success. I am able to view the feed from my HF200 on my computer. I plugged it in using AV cables through my external Plug in that came with my Pinnacle Studio Movie Box software.

    NOW, when I try to get it to work with no image shows up on the interface. I have the option, of selecting webcamedv or pinnacle as my source. Pinnacle is the default now for some reason, though when I first tried webcamdv was default. No image was showing from either though, and now when I try to switch from pinnacle to wcdv it freezes and Shockwave Flash crashes.

    This has shown me a couple things.

    A. It should work
    B. I should probably try the Red/Blue/Green cables that also come with the camera, I need to buy a card that takes them and intall it.
    C. I should have bought a Mac.


  4. Bah, dumb software.

    Try this stuff

    The downside to all of this stuff is that nothing guaranteed to work and you risk spending your money on stuff you can't use.

  5. I know it's not helpful right now, but like you said - you should've bought a Mac. =)
