Jawaballs and Fritz live! Special Announcement.

Image used without permission from www.heapsgoodstuff.com I will remove it at request.

As you already know, we are broadcasting our next show on Sunday January 10. Brother captain James will be there, and we will be doing giveaways all day! In order to qualify for a giveaway, you need to be a registered follower of our blogs and youtube channels. So make sure you take the 30 seconds it takes to go follow all of them! Model sprues, blisters and jawabases will be given away throughout the broadcast.

Also, I have finally managed to get my HD videocam working! You will be able to see our show in HD, with zooming and panning. If you liked it before, you will LOVE it this weekend.

Finally, and here is the special announcement, Jawaballs is tieing the knott. Thats right! I am getting married... LIVE! No bologna! We already have the marriage licsense, and my friend Matt is a Justice of the Peace. He will be arriving at some point during the broadcast and making it legal! So if you want to join our moment of wedded bliss... Make sure you are watching the broadcast!

This is for real. Once I hear from Matt more of an idea when he will be showing I will post that up for those of you who cannot watch the broadcast but still want to tune in for the wedding.

There you go! Come join us.

The link to view the broadcast is: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jawaballs-productions
and the Password is: jawaballs1

See you there!

More to come.



  1. Mate what a great surprise :) I was wondering how long it would take after the baby was born that the knot would get tied. Awesome stuff Chris!

    Enjoy the life of marital bliss.

    Cheers CJ

  2. Camera rolls around 9, Fritz arrives around 11. I would have invited you Black matt but this is VERY unplanned! IN fact I didnt ask her if she was ok with broadcasting it until after I posted that last night! :)

  3. Congratulasions man!

    Looking forward to it alredy :)

  4. god no man learn from my mistakes lol. good luck dude ill be watching. ;)

  5. Congrats Chris!
    What type of stormtrooper are you dressing up as?

  6. Congratulations! Did you have to buy that/use free trial WebCamDV or did you find out another way? Hope to be tuned in all day.

  7. Surprisingly enough, it ended up just working on it's own. Now to try to reproduce what I did to make it work!

  8. To quote Bill Orielly, "F*** it, we'll do it live!". congrats on spontanious marriage, now win a game to make it a great day. Will BC James play at all?

  9. Awesome! Gratz x2, I look forward to this!

  10. You Jawa! I sent you some coin, just keep the post coming is all i ask! I really enjoy the videos and post, so its just a small thank you... Congrats too! Would love to see more videos on your models... Enjoy admiring them as I paint my own BA force now...

  11. congrats jawa - im sure youve heard theres more good news - new BA codex in April!

  12. Thanks man! And the BA dex was expected, if they wana drop new news I wish they would show pics of all the great goodies!

  13. All the best to you and yours, sir. It sounds like you've found a kindred spirit, which is the best you can ask for, far as I'm concerned.

    Good luck!


  14. Hey Jawaballs, do you want to rank 1st in google for the search 'Blood Angels'?

    Obviously with the new codex on the way, you'll get a lot of traffic which will boost the money made from your adverts.

    If interested, email me back. I've currently got my space wolves blog to 2nd in google and need some extra help in getting 1st.

