Need a little help with Blood Angels fluff.

Does any one know if in any of the BA fluff, either ancient or recent, they have given a name to the 2nd company captain? I am painting my captain banner and I want his name! I posted on BnC and not gotten an answer yet. ANy one? Jawaballs


  1. Long long long time Blood Angels player here, I've never seen a specific commander for the 2nd in any fluff as far as I can recall. I think it may have been Leonatos, but I am far from certain on that one as I can't find my copies of BloodQuest.

  2. Lucky you Jawaballs there is actually an organization chart of the Blood angels 2 company on page 113 of the apocalyps book. The captain is named Lazarus. So there you go.

    I might as well congratulate you on the weding while I'm here. The live cast was great. =)

    @ Redneck. Leonatos was captain of the 5th company iirc.


    Google tells me this page has tons of names related to the BAs. But I guess the Apocalypse book is a better bet.

    Although I swear his name is Captain Flexarius the greatest…

    Wedding you say. Gratz on making the mother of your son an honarable woman:) Gratz her from me too!

  4. Well there have been many BA 2nd company commanders so any of you couldve been right at any point since we are talking about a 10 millenia old army. Jawa depends on if your running a 31st millenia army or a 41st but fugitive is right

  5. Thanks every one! Lazarus it is. Now to go finish his banner.. :)

  6. Nice, Lazarus means; "incredibly wasted" in Holland.
    Sounds like a good name.

  7. I'm pretty sure if was Cullen;
    Captain Edward Cullen
