More Vamp Blood Angels WIP!

Here are my Space Vamp Blood Angels  Mephiston and Reclusiarch WIP!  I decided to go with bone color on Mephiston's armor decoration.  As it stands now, I did Bestial, Snake Bite, 50/50 snake bite/bleached bone, 25/75 snake bite/bleached bone, one more layer with even more bleached bone, then a final hit with pure bleached bone. I'm going to give it a wash with either sepia or mud, then touch it all again with bleached bone, then finally white.  The chaplain bone is right before the bleached bone stage.  

For mephiston's face it will be similar to the chaplain, I used Shadow Grey, then lightly touched in a few layers of Space Wolf Grey, then hit it with some Elf Flesh.  He is nearly complete, I just need to wash over the metal parts, and do final highlights with Fortress grey and a few other touch ups.

The question here is, how do I do Mephiston's robes???  On the GW site they did Vlad's cloak with red gore.  I already have enough red.  I'm thinking I might try some blue!  I will finish his skin first, and hair and plasma gun.,  What do you guys think?



  1. You've really got red down. The vamp looks great!

    Have you tried one of those fancy-pants colour wheels. There's a good one here:

    Just a thought. Blue might be a little...

  2. Yah, I don't think Im gona go blue. Though black with some shadow grey might not be a bad idea. As for color design, I really don't want to go with any greens except maybe as an accent. What do you guys think about the bear fur on his back?

  3. Purple sounds good to me. What color are you doing the skin/hair?

    Also, might want to add an extreme highlight in a couple of places on the armor to really make it "pop". Maybe 50/50 red/orange? Or they could just be washed out a bit by the camera.

    Keep up the stellar work!

  4. I already added an extreme highlight on the armor, then a wash. THe skin is shadow grey drybrushed with space wolf grey so far. The hair I put on a thin coat of Iyanden Darkson. He is a son of Sanguinius after all! Im gona layer it with a few shades of yellow and khaki then wash it with brown.

  5. This looks great! It sure beats the gang at my lgs who are doing Blood Angels that glitter...

    Also, I am one of those who hates marines having their helmets off - 2 or 3 conversions so only the characters are VC style Blood Angels is very achievable!
