Vampire Mephiston!

Here you go. Almost done.  I need to figure out what I am going to do with the bear cloak, paint the sword and pick out some more extreme highlights, but here he is for the most part!  Blood Angels Vampire Mephiston!


  1. Damn that's beautiful. I love the way the bone came out, especially.
    Are you going to add a bit more to his base? It feels a bit lacking. It's nice, just not "greatest HQ ever is standing here" kind of a feel to it.

  2. Awesome so far, the shadow grey seems to have worked a treat. His mop of blonde hair really contrasts very well.

  3. I think the sword will really finish him off, but he's looking cool so far.
    On the one hand it kinda sucks that a nicely painted "official" blood angel army isn't winning you top marks in the tourneys.
    On the other hand these guys are looking sweet so it's all good :D

  4. Hmmm Chris,I like the vampire Mephistaton.But the only things im not 100% sold on the eyes.But great work.Keep it up :)

  5. Sorry I'm late to the party, but......


    There. It's out (lol). But really, this is brilliant. Can I make? Please? *Puts on cute begging dog face*
