New Blog! The Stout Smurf. My noobzor buddy Jim started a blog to chronicle his journey.

Inspired by the success of my blog, my friend Jim, who uses the moniker The Stout Gnome in his other gaming circles has decided to start up a blog of his own, The Stout Smurf.  I got him into the game last fall and he sorta farted around a bit but this winter came on strong.

First of all, Jim is a 40k noobie in every sense of the word. Before taking him to Templecon, which you can read about in more detail HERE he had never played a full game of 40k and in fact had only played in a couple of partial teaching games with me.  He had a minimal grasp of the rules and I gave him some advice on dealing with other armies right before the tournament started.

Now, his 40k noobiness is not to say that he is a gaming noob because he is not. He is the creator of the game Gnome Wars which has a nice following of it's own.  When I met him he already had fairly good painting skills and a good strategic mind. In other words he was the perfect pupil.  He was a quick study. I showed him some of my painting videos, gave him some tips and an Army Builder list and away he went!  Within about 6 weeks he had his first 1850 army painted and ready. 3 games at Templecon had him hooked for good.

So I invite you all to become a follower of his new blog.  Add it to your blog rolls and let him know so he can add you back.  Follow along as a 40k noobie learns the ropes from me and Fritz. Watch him go from baby seal to 40k contender!  Our next appearance will be at The Colonial GT, and then Nova!  We are hoping for him to do well at the Nova. So check him out and wish him luck!



  1. Good looking army Jim. Get Chris to bring you to the club one night maybe get a game with you. BTW your in good hands with Jawa and fritz :)

  2. We both run after school clubs on monday until late. However, once club ends in 5 weeks or so I should be at the club more often and I will drag him out!

  3. Nice looking army!

    I can't wait to meet you at the Colonial, I'm gonna have to follow this blog...

  4. Ted between you me and Jim the Colonial Bar is going to feel the burn.

  5. I've been reading his blog a lot lately (don't worry Jawa your blog comes first) and I have to be honest, thinking of starting something myself. I think it could be fun to give people a perspective of an ultra-noob learning to play along with other ultra-noobs.
