Off to The Colonial GT

Phew!  This week has been a dust storm of work for me. To begin with, on Wednesday I decided to make a new display board for my army. With little time, and less plan, I got out the dremmel and pink board and went to work!  I think it came out fairly good.  The idea was sort of a swooping stairway like on Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings.  The one that orks had to travel up to break in.  At the top would be a little sacrifice being performed by my Vamp Mephiston and the rest of the ICs in the army and the troops would be lining the ramp with the vehicles parked on the ground.  I went with a quarried stone look to the stairs for times sake.  I also wanted to incorporate burning cauldrons and music.  I wanted a river of blood to be flowing through a grate in the wall.  I that I nailed it over all. Especially since this is my first time doing any such thing.

For the grate I used a gated castle entry that I had from a castle toy.  I wont talk more about it here since I will do a full video showing it off tonight.  I gots to go!  Oh, and yes we did do the drawing for the winners of the Stout Smurf Dreadnought Giveaway.  I recorded it on video and that will be going up on youtube just as soon as I get time.  I don't recall one of the names so I can't announce them here. Rest assured, the news will be posted asap.

Until then!

Look for coverage of The Colonial GT coming up soon.



  1. Looks Great!! At first I thought it was for a Khorne army with the warp gate but then I realized it was for your Khorne...I mean Blood Angels heh. BLOOD FOR THE....UH...emperor?!?!!

    Good luck at the Colonial. There was just no way I could fit it into my budget or schedule this year but let the guys know I said hey and will try to make it next year. Good news is your chances for winning paint just went up!!

  2. Good luck, don't worry about fishboy's painting he just got lucky.

  3. Dont forget I won "worst dice rolling" at St. Valentines Massacre in Philly. That should tell you my luck level heh.

  4. Not bad for a day's work. That giant drybrush came in handy, eh?

  5. Great game today Jawaballs! Perhaps my favorite of the whole tournament. I was really excited to play you in what will be my last GT in New England. I saw you at the Conflict but wasn't able to face you...

    So, it's been a long time coming! Great job reading the mission and winning it. By far the closest game for me.

    And remember, Shrikes win like Charlie Sheen so watch out!

  6. Great game to you too Ben! And Fishboy, I didn't even come in third!

  7. No I didn't see any GK armies. Since well painted models were sorta expected no one probably had any armies ready.

  8. I have one, since third edition....what I didnt have was time to attend :(

  9. lol you sound flabbergast they placed your presentation so low

  10. Well I wouldn't go as far as flabbergasted, but definitely surprised.

  11. I too was very surprised, I still can't figure it out actually.

    On the up side, it was great to get a chance to meet Jim, and get to hang with you guys, I really had a blast.

    Your army looked great, and I can't wait to see your "Emo Blood Angels" fully finished and in action.

  12. Yah Ted. If we had to compare "best painted army" I would give it to you because your entire army is consistently well painted while mine is not. However, the judging was not for Best Painted Army, it was for Best Presentation. I think that things got a little confused.

  13. And yes it was fun to hang out. The best was chilling outside waiting for the awards at the end of the whole thing sucking down beverages while we all knew we had to go home. How irresponsible!

  14. Wow Jawa great display board, may I ask which matterial did you start with for the big wall and how did you work it?

    Armies on parade tourney from GW is going on atm, and I wanted to work some material and I don't know what to start with.

    Also, how do you do the wholes for the bases?

    Thanks a lot

  15. I used sheets of 1" thick pink insulation board from Home Depot. For the holes I used a 1" dremel sander tool. Just cutting and grind the holes into the insulation. I used a box cutter to cut the pink into the basic swooping wall, then used a band saw to make it a uniform cut. It was actually quite a bit more work than it looks!
