The Heroes of Armageddon


In the last 4 months our world has seen some extraordinary disasters, both natural and manmade. The people in the Middle East and Africa have been battling their governments and each other for a different and hopefully better future. many, many people died and got hurt and this is still going on today: in Lybia, in Ivory Coast, in Syriaand in many other places as well.
And then the tsunami that hit Japan...seeing the footage of that wave gave me the chills and I have not been able to revisit it, realizing how much carnage and hardship this wave caused...

Storm Wardens
We cannot change any of these things by ourselves. But we can help support organizations that go to Africa and Japan, people that risk their own lives to better the life of a stranger. One of these groups is Doctor without Borders. An amazing organization and I am asking you all to check out their news feed here.
DWB go to places where most organizations have left and try against odds to fulfill their oath: to help people in need, really really in need.

And they need money. And thats where we come in...last year you all raised over 16,000 dollars for this amazing charity with the Storm Wardens Project. Here's the link, the page is still up.
And yes, it was all YOUR success. We just opened up a PayPal account and built 2500 points of models. But you all showed that our community can come together and do something amazing.

Well, this year the world seems way worse off and we have decided to do another Charity Project:
Heroes of Armageddon
John and Mike from Santa Cruz Warhammer thought it better to raise the stakes and create a much larger project: we're giving away FOUR 3000 point armies. We hope that you will all pitch in and let your heart speak. This is the change we all can make, instead of ignoring the news.

How does it work?
Every dollar that you support the project with gives you a chance to be one of the lucky four at the end of this drive. So 10 dollars of donations buys you 10 chances. 100 dollars means....right, you got it.
At the end of the drive, in July, we will run our trust number generator and pick our four new friends.
Then, the armies will travel to Games Day in Chicago, where they will be displayed. After that the winners can take their army home or we send it off.
In short: the more you donate, the better your chances. More importantly, the more you donate, the more you  help all of us to make the world a better place.

Heroes of Armageddon
Our Games Day Diorama will depict the 3rd battle of Armageddon with 4 armies: Steel Legion, Blood Angels, Ork Hordes and Speed Freaks.
We have expanded the all star build team from last year with a handful of Golden Demon winners and we also hope to go bigger and better by reaching out to more of you and the industry and collecting even more than we did last year for Doctors Without Borders.

Here are the team leaders for the 4 army projects

Dave Taylor: Steel Legion
Jawaballs: Blood Angels
Goatboy (BOLS): Speed Freaks

These four wonderful modelers were so kind to say yes to us and have commited to finishing up these armies in an amazing way: creative, fresh and with a great paintjob. Through these guys, we have been able to lock down 3 Golden Demon winners to paint the centerpieces of the armies and have created a total build team of close to 20 to 25 people, all of which are wonderful artists and gracious with time and effort for this cause. More on all of the participants next week.

Our main site for the finished units and more info is

There is more
Just like last year, as our way of saying thanks for your help, we will enter you in a weekly prize drawing once for every dollar you pitch in so not only will you be helping a good cause, but you might just win something amazing for your trouble. Everyone who has supported the project up to that point will be eligible to win. The prizes will be really, really nice.

What can you do?
Put this button on your page with the link above. 
You can help spread the word and link to the heroes site and the site of the bloggers involved. Why not create a special blogroll for this? That would help immensely.
You can hold a local event to raise money or just post some flyers at your favorite gaming spots.
You can send in prize or model donations and be part of the many sponsors that help us out.
You can talk to family and friends and tell them about the help that they can give
you can send us models that we then distribute to the teams that need them. A list will go up soon with requests.

Last Years winner
Last year's Army winner Jacob, watch a video of him at Games Day receiving the Storm Wardens Army Grand Prize.

Are you ready to make a difference?
Are you ready for 4 awesome armies?
Are you ready for Armageddon?
Ok Folks.  There it is. The launch post straight from the boss boys themselves.  Tomorrow I will post up the names of the members of my build team. I have taken charge of the Blood Angels team, written the list and hand picked the painters.  I can say without a doubt that the BA army will be fantastic!  I am personally painting a squad of terminators and a Land Raider Crusader.  Be looking for lots of update posts as I work on my contribution.  Much more to come!



  1. This is an awesome idea, Jawaballs. I think it's great that you're doing this, and will both donate and put up the link to it on my blog. I will also see what I can do to get this posted up elsewhere as well.

    I personally love your creations, and would be super excited if I won.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Awesome cause. I can not wait to see how well the forces turn out and how much it raises.

  3. This is indeed a great thing!

    I will be following this closely.

    Chris, if you need anything kit wise for your assigned army let me know, and I will see what I can do to help.

  4. I am doing a blog/twitter thing for a class at school and I saw this post so I have been trying to help get the word out about this event. Will definitely be skipping pizza every week to contribute.
