Change is in the air.

Fall is here. The leaves are changing colors. The temperature is changing to something more comfortable. Rules are changing. Most importantly, armies are changing. Change is in the air. "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!" Shakespeare

It comes. Jawaballs Blood Angels 2.0 November. 2009

Then again. Jawaballs Blood Angels 3.0 March 2010.

Be afraid.


Gonewild40k said...

It's funny. I ordered a Baal Predator from GW, and was shocked when loose sprues' arrived in a plain cardboard box. No fancy merchandise box, no instructions! I phoned customer service to discover that the Blood Angel's Baal Predator had been condemned to direct order and that it's related packaging was no longer being produced. This was a week before BOLS posted a rumor that Blood Angels would receive an updated codex and kits to match.

I just want to take the time to thank John and John, the customer service reps that I spoke to by phone. John was good enough to email me a digital copy of the kit instructions.
Which brings us full circle to topic: Jawa, I'd like to read a list of things you'd like to see in the new codex- including any changes that you think are necessary.

I'm not fond of blood, so I will toast a carb free energy drink to the new Blood Angels codex and the new JB army list. Until then, may your Dante never fumble and always cross his ts'.

Ad Astra said...

"Look upon my works ye mighty and be afraid!"

Unknown said...

my hope is that they make everyone get furious charge, mephistons power to fly gets extended to his squad (go flying terminators!), and that they lower the costs and make DC free...not to much to ask

Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

So you have a copy of the new BA codex too then...

Alexander said...

I hope they should all have bolter, bolt pistol, and close combat weapon.

Jawaballs said...

No Ron, I could not be so lucky. I am just responding to the rumored march release for 3.0. Until new dex is out, I will settle for 2.0. As for my wish list, that is a seperate post. :)

Jawaballs said...

Of course if any one does have the new dex,... my inbox will make sweet love to you.

Gonewild40k said...

Just to echo, if anyone has digital copy of the new dex, please send a copy my way.

Flekkzo said...

Fall? It freaking *snowed* today. It's the season of the Wolves man.

PS Looking forward to your new army anyways:) Some blood red might warm me up.

Nagamo said...

Overcharged engines available for all vehicles: go go go!!!

P.S.: A digital version of the ´dex would be a great christmas present ;-)

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting article here. I enjoyed this blog. It is nice to post here. I like this site very much.

cle usb

Doc Railgun said...

O, I would so much like to read through a copy of the Codex.

Dalinair said...

GW should send you a copy, hell for the work you've done in getting people into 40k, painting and starting blood angels armies they should give you a medal. I know personally after seeing your paint blood angels videos sparked my interest in 40k again, since then ive spent easilly over £2000 on warhammer stuff.

I say they owe you an early codex :)

Chi3f said...

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself...and maybe the new space woofs codex lol. I can't wait to see wait to see BA 3.0

Chi3f @

Jawaballs said...

I have no clue what the new dex will offer, but I have been wanting to redo my army for a while now. Probably half of the models were some of the first Blood Angels I painted and while they do look good, barely resemble some of the more recent paint jobs. Between now and then I am going to start the process. First I will decide which models in my current army will stay, and then I will start building and painting models for a new build. Hopefully my new little jawa will be a good sleeper so I can get some work time while mama is resting! :)

bhsman said...

Makes me wonder what they'll do to make Blood Angels worthy of being a separate codex like Space Wolves and Black Templars, but there are entire forums for that kind of discussion.

I only recently completed a full Assault squad and a Combat squad, but the thought of plastic sprues on the level of the new Space Wolves makes me want to take them apart and let them soak in Simple Green, haha.

Alex said...

(Different Alex from above)

Speaking of the new codex, I was wondering what folks opinions are on what might be worth picking up and painting in advance of it (or what might not be). I've asked this question other places, and the best suggestions on what I could probably paint in advance without worrying about new models are:

The furioso dred, the baal pred (though it was suggested I don't glue doors or some of the guns on), and the rhinos(again without gluing doors and hatches on). A couple of other vehicles but none that I consider using, at least early on in the force.

Avoid: Tacticals or other marines (or just the bodies w/o heads and shoulder pads for now -- I'll wait unless I get REALLY bored), Termies, Death Company,Commanders/HQ units in general.

Anyone else have thoughts or opinions on it? It would be most helpful as I've got nothing right now and months between the new dex and now.


Jawaballs said...

That is a good question and one that I have considered myself. I think the Furioso will be history. They are trying to get away from big metal models it seems, and the furioso dread is a klunker, plus it is boring. I expect a new model. I expect a new corbulo, lesmartes, Dante, (if they are all still used) new infantry upgrade, new death company, and of course new terminators. Baal Predator? From what I know they are not even selling it as a box set any more, they are only selling it as a bits pack with a regular predator body. This tells me that they are redoing the box set? I expect a new box set and redesign. Same Rhino chasis, but new options and turret. IT would be nice, but i doubt they will offer a BA honor guard or vet squad.

SO to answer the question, just wait. Sure, paint rhinos and leave the doors off. That is about all you can do. If their work with the wolves and space hulk is any indicator, not to mention the templars and dark angels stuff, the new blood angels will be incredible. I will be selling my entire army and starting new!

So if any one wants to buy my army, start saving! :)

Flekkzo said...

If the quality of the new BAs is of the same high quality as the Space Hulk ones I will certainly think of starting a BA army too. For me it's not power creep but coolness creep. The new codexes and minatures simply are cooler. Now I just need a new Eldar codex soon with new models so I can take out those Eldar's of mine and start building an army from them!

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