How to paint Rusty Krieg??
0 Comments - 25 Oct 2018
Long time no see! Among the many projects I have been working on, and yes I do still live... are some Krieg. I was inspired to do some Krieg by my friend Ed Miller who was playing a heavy Guard army with Smash Captain Blood Angels and that for some reason tickled my fancy... and my friend John Stiening who has one of the prettiest Krieg armies I...

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0 Comments - 18 Jul 2018
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard!  More soon about my own stuff... But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitable Foundation! As most of you who know every year I paint models that are raffled off by NOCF with the proceeds being given away to charity.  Well this year I have to admit we as a fo...

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Feast of Blades Banner Update! lase one

Nearly finished Feast of Blades banner!  

Here you go folks!  The banner will be shipping out tomorrow. My colleague will bring in her machine to sew down the image to the banner and away it goes!  I have a few small details to add of course. I will add a couple of purity seals, and some details to the bottom like the date, and a skull or something.  I still don't know if this is part of the prize for the winner, or if Chandler will be keeping it as a record of each Feast and adding the names of the winners to the scroll of victory. Either way, it will serve it's purpose well.  

Next up, Space Wolves Chapter Banner.

Also, my Blood Angels Chapter Banner, that appeared in last months White Dwarf and won me last years banner competition at Gamesday is going up for sale.  I will be putting it up auction style. For an idea of how much I am hoping to get for it, I charge 300+ for my other banners, and this one far surpasses them in quality, is my very own banner, and appeared in White Dwarf!  Email me if you would like to make a private offer.  Jawaballs at hotmail!  


Anonymous said...

That really looks great man. I cannot wait to see it in person.

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