How to paint Rusty Krieg?? 0 Comments - 25 Oct 2018 Long time no see!
Among the many projects I have been working on, and yes I do still live... are some Krieg.
I was inspired to do some Krieg by my friend Ed Miller who was playing a heavy Guard army with Smash Captain Blood Angels and that for some reason tickled my fancy... and my friend John Stiening who has one of the prettiest Krieg armies I... More Link |
![]() | Win a WARLORD TITAN 0 Comments - 18 Jul 2018 I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitable Foundation!
As most of you who know every year I paint models that are raffled off by NOCF with the proceeds being given away to charity. Well this year I have to admit we as a fo... More Link |
I really like the way these guys came out. If I were to do one thing differently, however, it would be to ever so slightly change the colors on the Heavy Flamer and Assault Cannon. Give them something to look a bit unique, like the Lightning Claws do. Make it the main feature on the model, perhaps adding black and yellow stripes or just more colors in general, but that is just my personal opinion.
Not sure who you're worrying about blasting you, but those are excellent commissions. The owner will be hard pressed to find anything to complain about. Well done!
They look great! I have a suggestion to make them look better: - I purchased a little 'light tent' from ebay. The sell is out of China - they are great, and would help show your detail work to full effect, and eliminate shadow etc. I use my daylight bulb lamps as the studio lights, and the tent diffuses light. Just searched, oz ebay has them listed under "40cm Photo Studio Cube Light Tent Soft Box Photography"
My one is shared by a few people, and I often take it to tournaments for people to use to get good photos of their miniatures.
Looks great! Now post some tactica! ^_^
Chris, Absolutely gorgeous thank you. you're client John or in some circles i'm known as Brother Azrael. I got some more work if you like, 2 Dreads let me know Cheers!
" All Hail the Winged One"
Good idea on the light tent. I have a sweet camera too but without good lighting I ended up just using my pocket power shot and photoshoping the pics into submission. I will check it out. And glad you approve John! Absolutely on those dreads. I just have to finish up a Black Templar commission and a couple banners first. Email me the details and we will arrange it.
I have a decent camera with the light tent, it shows just how average my painting really is - the 'fuzz' of my iphone camera is actually kinder :) However, when we put well highlighted miniatures into the tent, they really 'pop'.
Hope you haven't shipped it off just yet. Note the right arm (of the model) just under the skull :)
Which model?
Ah sorry, should have specified! The lightning claw guy. Bleached bone spot on the arm :P
Looking great Jawa. The blending is really good imo.
I'd be proud to own them!
Love the armor. Just looking at them it seems like they are CGI. Great stuff. Only thing I would Change is the scrolls and parchment.
Jawa, not to be bothersome but I am notorious for not having emails send, but did you get my email on a light tent? Sorry.
Do you have any more Space Hulk Terminators left? I would be very interested in buying some.
Im not selling just the termies. I am selling them painted as commissions.
Ohh......For how much? Because they look fabulous!
Email me. jawaballs at hotmail
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