0 Comments - 18 Jul 2018
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard!  More soon about my own stuff... But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitable Foundation! As most of you who know every year I paint models that are raffled off by NOCF with the proceeds being given away to charity.  Well this year I have to admit we as a fo...

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The 2012 Gamesday Chicago Jawabanner!

Here is my entry for the 2012 Chicago Gamesday Banner Contest!

I am shipping this off today to my friend in Chicago who is making me the banner pole.  I went with the Ultramarines Chapter banner because when I looked through the codex for this years entry, I was most drawn to this one. I thought it was really intricate, and I liked the fade in the back ground, which I did with my airbrush.

So wish me luck!  If you are at Gamesday this year, look for me and say hi, and scream your heads off for the banner!


Here is some video.


Reid said...

Your banners are always so excellent. Nice work.

Unknown said...

As always Jawa, amazing looking banner! Gonna sure make some noise this year with that banner!

knightyc said...

Good luck jawa lets hope you win again this year youd have my vote :)

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