So with my tightened wallet I need to plan more wisely on my trips.
Templecon this year is just not going to be in the cards as the main hotel is already booked to capacity plus my holiday traveling consumed my spending money.
The Conflict GT is MIA.
I missed Adepticon registration, though I am planning on going next year and teaming up with some secret buds.
My wife has already given me the face palm for Mike Clark's SVDM.
That leaves little more for the early 2013 events!
One event that is on my list is
The Colonial GT. I don't even know if they are taking registration yet, but they always sell out. I have heard nothing but great things about improvement and fun, so I want to give these guys another shot!
But would like to announce that I have decided to put some effort into hitting the two major bookends for this summer. That's right,
Wargamescon and
The Nova Open.
Last year by freak of scheduling, Wargamescon fell on my last day of school, and Nova fell on my first. (More or less) The short of it is that the events wrapped around the only days of the year I CANNOT take off. (Not really true I found out the hard way it was not so easy to get days off when I tried to go to The Feast of Blades last October.) But you get the point.

SO this year, after discussing it with Fritz, I am planning on not making my yearly pilgrimage to Gamesday. I really was only planning on going so I could try to win five banner competitions in a row, but Gamesday has honestly been sucking more and more and I just cannot justify the plane ticket and hotel for a few hours of gaming and a banner entry. Not when I can fly to Texas for a kickass weekend with Goatboy and Brent!
So there you have it.
The first rule is that I am not allowed to use my credit card. SO I have to sell some banners and models and build up some Paypal money. Then I have to make sure my wife has no plans for me.
So as of now, The Nova is just about 100% for me, and Wargamescon is looking at about 75!
After that comes Battle for Salvation, Mechanicon and DaBoyz. It looks like my Lamenters will get a workout against some of the best painters in the country... I'm pointing at YOU Joe Johnson! We will see if I can squeeze in The Colonial. Only if the army is ready by then!
Well too bad that you cant make it to templecon, there are some other hotels nearby that I know of if you could make it.
I'm just broke. Between food and beverages alone I would spend a couple hundred bucks. Oh well. Next year.
I know how you feel Jawa, but I am making an exception for Tempelcon(as long as I can figure out transpo and lodging in time) as it is just too great an event to miss.
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