How to paint Rusty Krieg??
0 Comments - 25 Oct 2018
Long time no see! Among the many projects I have been working on, and yes I do still live... are some Krieg. I was inspired to do some Krieg by my friend Ed Miller who was playing a heavy Guard army with Smash Captain Blood Angels and that for some reason tickled my fancy... and my friend John Stiening who has one of the prettiest Krieg armies I...

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0 Comments - 18 Jul 2018
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard!  More soon about my own stuff... But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitable Foundation! As most of you who know every year I paint models that are raffled off by NOCF with the proceeds being given away to charity.  Well this year I have to admit we as a fo...

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The Jawaballs Way: A kickstarter is launched!

Hey Folks!

I started producing How to Paint tutorials about six years ago, and in that time, have received tens of thousands of comments and emails from dudes thanking me for helping them with their hobby.

Well, I figured it was time to revamp my products. And now is your chance to show your support for me!

My skills have improved, and new paints are available, so here you go!

The Jawaballs Way: How to Paint Wargame Miniatures!

I have started a Kickstarter to raise capital to get an entirely new line of DVDs produced.  I am making a series of six double length discs.

One. Yellow and Red:  I will paint a Lamenter, Blood Angel and Khador Battle Mechanik Officer in high definition.

Two. Blue and Green: I will paint a Cygnar Journeyman Warcaster, Ultramarine, Terminator Librarian, Dark Angel and Tyranid!  Phew that is going to be a huge set.

Three. Bone and Wolf Grey:  I will paint a Deathwing Terminator, Cryx Bone Jack, and Space Wolf.

Four. Black and White: The two hardest colors to paint!  I will paint a Ravenwing Biker, Menoth Warjack model, and White and Black Death Company models using the Jawaballs techniques.

Five. Detailing and Hand Painting: I will paint eye lenses, power weapons, lightning effects, scopes, banners, scrolls and hand painted insignia, numbers and skulls just to name a few!

Six. Hobby and tools: I will cover the tools of my trade and demonstrate in depth how to make several different bases and a competition level display board!

How is that for a comprehensive set???

Each DVD is going to be a full function DVD with menus and a full color printed disc in a compact, full color eco sleeve.  I estimate no less than four hours of instruction PER DISC!

What is a kickstarter?

This is a fund raising website to promote new business and projects. Essentially you pledge to preorder your discs. Once I have reached my goal, the order becomes reality and you are charged for the purchase. I then collect the cash and get the DVDs produced, then mailed out to you.  I set the goal of this kickstart at 7000 dollars. Each disc will cost about 1150 to have printed and mailed to me in bulk. I will then ship the discs to you, within the US, at no additional cost. Shipping world wide will cost a few extra bucks.  You will have a chance to pick your disc of choice.

The DVDs will be zoned for US, so you foreigners will have to adjust, though I am sure you are used to that.

So go ahead and check out my Kickstarter and get yourself some new painting DVDs and help me out at the same time! Also included in the top tiers of the kickstarter are chances to get yourself a custom painted HQ or Jawabanner at a nice discount.  You can't lose!

EDIT: I am working on a new way to reliably provide digital content, so I created digital options if you prefer that way. Stay tuned for details!



DK said...

Sweet Man. But... I think you should post some of your bomb dot com models as examples on the page.

Best of luck!

Jawaballs said...

Absolutely. I have to paint them first! I am working on them now. Based on the fact that I hit 10% of my goal in the first 24 hours, I feel good about putting in the massive amount of work required to make it happen. :) As I get the models painted for the tutorials, I will add them to the kickstart along with video snipets. I think one of the most useful sets will be the Hobby/Finishing one where I do basing and display boards. It's going to be great!

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